Maine: Battle over female genital mutilation bill raging

Diversity is beautiful alert! This is one of those great ‘fun’ political debates you will get to have once the population of Muslims, mostly from East Africa, ‘find their way’ to your state.  Maine, especially Lewiston, is the Somali capital of the East! The story at the Press Herald is long and detailed, but what … Continue reading Maine: Battle over female genital mutilation bill raging

President Trump gives us permission to speak!

With all the hullabaloo since yesterday about the President’s question about why we needed to import so many people from certain s***hole countries, I’m thinking that the great fear the PC crowd (pulling out the smelling salts) has is that when the President speaks straightforwardly (on anything), it gives permission for masses of Americans to … Continue reading President Trump gives us permission to speak!

Uphill battle in Maine to criminalize female genital mutilation

The vote could still come this week, but faces an uphill challenge as groups like the ACLU oppose attempts to save little girls from torture because it goes against their politics as reported at WGME 13: The ACLU is against the bill saying it’s “nothing more than an attempt to single out behavior that is … Continue reading Uphill battle in Maine to criminalize female genital mutilation

Springfield, Mass mayor blasts Jewish Family Services for placing more refugees without notice

They (Jewish Family Services) are concentrating “poverty on top of poverty!” (Mayor Domenic Sarno)   We told you about Democrat Mayor Domenic Sarno a few years ago when he asked the US State Department to place a moratorium on refugees being deposited in his beleaguered and over-loaded city.  Of, course he was ignored as mayors … Continue reading Springfield, Mass mayor blasts Jewish Family Services for placing more refugees without notice

Maine to Minnesota, residents of small cities overloaded with Somalis happy with Trump

“I think he’s doing a lot, every day I’m turning on CNN to see what he did and who he pissed off.” Mainer Jim Nelson They may not be protesting in the streets, but voters in towns seeing their communities transformed by refugees almost overnight, support Donald Trump’s efforts to rein-in immigration from certain countries. … Continue reading Maine to Minnesota, residents of small cities overloaded with Somalis happy with Trump