Misc. stuff that passed me by recently

I’ve been way overloaded  lately, so have had little time to post on some important issues.   What follows is a roundup of articles you might find interesting, annoying, enlightening:

News team attacked at Muslim school in Minnesota as reported by Jerry Gordon of ACT.

Recommendation that “innocent” Guantanamo inmates be treated as refugees and resettled in the US.

British proposal to ban the word “asylum”.

Australia donated $1.4 million for Rohingya housing in Bangladesh camps.

Church World Service and Ethiopian Community Development Council team up to lobby for more Africans to come to the US.

Muslim immigrants sue federal government to speed up their citizenship process, reported in another post at ACT. 

Burundi’s First Lady visits Tennessee and urges Burundian refugees to return to Africa to help rebuild the country.  We have resettled 10,000 Hutus from Burundi recently.

Canadian blog discusses new book which says Canada should limit Muslim immigration.

Media threatened in Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal.

World Refugee Day is June 20th, get ready for media blitz with crisis stories and puff pieces on refugees.

LA Times: A bunch of xenophobes running Italy

Update May 26th:   Islam in Action blog reports that Italy is getting serious and has just razed a mosque.

In the last few days we brought you articles about the growing anger against immigrants in such disparate countries as Switzerland and South Africa and now here is one about Italy.    I’m going to say more about this later, but if you are wondering why this has anything to do with refugee resettlement, this is why:  to the average person fed up with feeling besieged by immigrants they make no distinction in their minds about whether someone is legal or not when they see obvious foreigners helping themselves to welfare and jobs.  Or, when they hear about crimes committed by immigrants.

But, back to the LA Times and Italy.   I’ve copied a large section of this article because I couldn’t seem to find a good place to quit, it was so interesting.   Note that the reporter gets in a couple of hits at Bossi’s “shooting at boats” statement.    I’m wondering if the reporter ever read Jean Raspail’s “Camp of Saints?” 

Umberto Bossi, who once suggested shooting at boats carrying immigrants, is a key force in the right’s return to power. Measures against foreigners and violence toward Gypsies has followed. 

The head of a small xenophobic political party, Bossi has emerged as Italy’s kingmaker, the power player who was key in returning Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to office in recent elections and who will continue to call many of the shots.

That victory last month, which included the election of Rome’s first right-wing mayor since World War II and the stiffest rejection ever of communists, was part of a significant shift in favor of the Italian political right, composed of restyled former Fascists, anti-immigrant forces and traditional conservatives.

In this climate, it came as little surprise that the government’s first action has been a harsh police crackdown on the Rom, an oft-targeted minority also known as Gypsies.

Bossi and the Northern League are widely seen here as the moving force behind the decision to target Gypsies and illegal immigrants, two groups blamed for a rash of recent crimes. Hundreds of Rom and foreigners were arrested, scores deported, and ramshackle Gypsy camps razed or burned to the ground by either authorities or vigilantes.

The league, which is based in Lombardy, would add most Romanians and Muslim immigrants to the list, Boni said. Overall, he said, the party advocates reducing immigration to between 5% and 10% of its current level. “That way, you have immigration and integration,” he said. “What you have now is invasion.”

The league and its right-wing partners, including Berlusconi’s People of Freedom party, were able to capitalize on Italian fears about and prejudices toward the foreign-born, sentiments that are intensifying as the number of new arrivals grows and the economy plunges into recession. Their electoral victory also reflected a deep-seated admiration among many Italians for the kind of populist demagoguery that Berlusconi and Bossi represent.

“People want this country to remain theirs,” said Bossi, who once advocated shooting at boats bringing immigrants to Italy’s shores.

Then way down in the story there is this bit of information that confirms comments that Italians are worried about immigrant crimes (we heard that in Switzerland and South Africa).   The Italian reaction is to burn the immigrants out just as the mobs in South Africa have done recently. 

….many of the Rom, by their own account, make a living through petty theft….

The most shocking incidents occurred last week in Naples, where residents, reacting to reports that a Gypsy woman had attempted to kidnap an Italian child, torched several camps, forcing hundreds of men, women and children to flee. Many were later loaded in the back of trucks and taken to safety, in scenes that United Nations officials compared to “ethnic cleansing” in the Balkans in the 1990s — the very events that drove some of these Rom to Italy in the first place.

LA Times and the rest of you pro-open borders/pro-multiculturalism uber alles advocates, keep calling it xenophobia and make yourselves feel better to label opponents as racist xenophobes, but do it at your own peril.

More on anti-immigrant riots in S.Africa

Update:  May 26th from the Washington Post:

“The unrest has dented South Africa’s reputation as one of the most welcoming to immigrants and refugees.

And from The Observer, “Is this the end of the rainbow nation?”

‘They say we take their jobs, and in a way it is true,’ said Nora Tapiwa of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Forum. ‘South Africans remain poorly educated and prefer to speak the vernacular rather than English. Employers, especially in the service industries, prefer Zimbabweans. Higher up the ladder, in banks and insurance companies, you even find many Zimbabweans benefiting from black economic empowerment. We are smart people and we are immigrants, so we don’t sit around waiting for the government to deliver.’


Black on black “xenophobic” violence spread in South Africa, the “rainbow nation,” Friday according to this account from CNN.   Government troops are being brought in to protect immigrants fleeing across the borders to neighboring countries, or hiding in mosques and churches.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (CNN) — The atmosphere was tense in Cape Town on Friday after xenophobic violence that has left more than 40 dead in Johannesburg spread to South Africa’s largest city.

Clashes overnight resulted in one death and 15 arrests and the evacuations of 420 foreign nationals, a police official in Cape Town said.

“Crowds of people went on a rampage, looting and carrying out acts of violence,” said Cape Town Police Superintendent Billy Jones. They were charged with public violence and are to appear in court Monday.

One foreign national, a Somali, died when he was run over by a vehicle as he tried to escape the angry crowds, Jones said. Twelve people suffered minor injuries.

He said Friday was tense but calm, with state and local police stationed throughout the area.

Jack Bloom of the opposition party Democratic Alliance told CNN on Friday that government troops were helping police ward off violence in Johannesburg.

Aid workers and volunteers were providing tents, food and supplies at the police stations. Bloom estimated that about 2,000 foreigners had sought haven at those locations.

It was the first violence in the coastal city since a wave of xenophobia began about two weeks ago in Johannesburg, resulting in at least 42 deaths.

The many articles from news sources today reference immigrants and refugees from Somalia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique as targets of the violence.  S. African blacks say the illegal immigrants are responsible for the increased crime and lack of jobs in their country. 

According to South Africa’s latest census, the country has about 45 million people. The South African Department of Human Affairs estimates that more than 4 million people reside in South Africa illegally, but that figure is based on a 10-year-old study and some feel the number of immigrants in South Africa is much higher.

Aljazeera reported S. Africa’s unemployment figures: 

The unofficial unemployment rate in South Africa is believed to be about 40 per cent.

I searched the articles to try to figure out if these were white S. Africans being racists, but figured when in no article did it say “white mobs” which it surely would have had the perpetrators been white.   No article said “black mobs” either.   Then I found this BBC report that actually films the mobs and sure enough they are black.   Imagine that, blacks are xenophobic!

The lesson to the West:  It’s not about xenophobia and racism.  No amount of multicultural indoctrination will wipe away peoples’ desires to live among those of their own culture and be able to work and care for their families.   From one end of the world to the other, governments must control their borders or subject their citizens to increasing levels of chaos.  

*Note:  See additional detail on the the meltdown of South Africa here (from the Sunday Herald).

Learn about Islam in South Africa here.

More food stamp scams compliments of a certain immigrant group

Here are a pair of Food Stamp scam cases from this week, reported on the same day in the same city—Cleveland, OH.   In the first case the local police get a reward of sorts and in the second we, the taxpayers, are bilked out of $24 million. 

CLEVELAND, May 21 (UPI) — The Cleveland Police Department has received $1 million forfeited by two brothers who ran a food stamp fraud operation.

The money is part of $2.5 million paid by brothers Sami and Amin Salem as a part of their plea bargain.

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service received $125,000 from the plea bargain, and the Ohio Department of Public Safety got $100,000.

The Salems, who ran a grocery store, admitted to trading beer, cigarettes and cash for $7.7 million worth of food stamps and welfare vouchers.

They often traded the stamps, which are supposed to be for food, for 75 cents on the dollar and then redeemed the food stamps for full value, the newspaper said.

Amin Salem was sentenced to three years in prison. Sami Salem received a year in prison as part of a plea bargain in which he agreed to provide information to investigators about other cases.

That’s cool, I hope he rats out a bunch of his friends.

The second case is outrageous! 

CLEVELAND — A former grocery store owner who ran a $24 million food stamp fraud scheme will not serve prison time because of his poor health.

Mahmoud “Mike” Salti Jr., 47, of Westlake, got three years of probation and was ordered to pay $6 million during a hearing Tuesday in Youngstown federal court. Prosecutors acknowledge Salti does not have the money and will probably never pay the restitution.

Salti fled to Jordan shortly after a grand jury indicted him in 1996. He returned to the United States two years ago to plead guilty to conspiracy, money laundering and tax charges, but only did so because his health was failing.


Salti and his uncle, Mohammed Salti, ran nine grocery stores on Cleveland’s East Side in the 1980s. Prosecutors accused them of buying food stamps from recipients for about 75 cents on the dollar, then redeeming them for full value from the government.

The scam ended in 1994, when the grocery store owners realized they were being investigated, prosecutors said. The two men – both are Palestinians who became U.S. citizens – deeded their homes to their wives and fled to Jordan shortly before they were indicted in 1996.

Mohammed Salti remains in Jordan. The United States and Jordan do not have an extradition treaty, meaning the elder Salti may never be prosecuted, Edwards said. 

We have followed Food Stamp fraud ever since it happened in our city and as we have said previously we don’t have any evidence that this involves refugees except that refugees use a lot of food stamps.  See all our our previous posts on Food Stamp fraud here.

Anger at immigrants from Switzerland to South Africa

I was planning to tell you what the Swiss will vote on in about a week when blulitespecial sent me this interesting article about anti-immigrant riots in South Africa.  Two countries on separate continents with very different cultures and they are both blowing up, each in its own way, about immigrants.

According to Time, citizens of Switzerland will vote on a constitutional amendment that would leave decisions on who will become a naturalized Swiss citizen up to the local community!  Can you imagine it! The Swiss People’s Party (SVP) has collected the requisite 100,000 signatures to bring the referendum to a national vote. 

A staunch proponent of tighter immigration policies, the SVP says Switzerland naturalizes more foreigners than any other European nation, and official figures seem to support that claim. The party charges on its website that more than half of all citizenship requests — in 2006, approximately 50,000 were granted in this country of 7.5 million — go to [Muslim] immigrants from the Balkans and Turkey. The SVP claims those immigrants commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes and abuse Swiss social and welfare benefits. Some official statistics do attribute the rise in serious infractions to resident foreigners, but the numbers are not clear. For example, official statistics show that in 2007 nearly 70% of all prisoners in Switzerland were foreigners, but some experts say that is because foreigners are considered a flight risk and are more likely to be sent to prison than local criminals.

The SVP argues that in a country based on grassroots democracy where voters can challenge any legislative decision by launching a referendum, the people, not what the party considers to be lenient government authorities, must approve each citizenship request.

In Switzerland the people vote while in South Africa the response to immigrants has been violent.   

A wave of anti-immigrant violence in South Africa spread to Cape Town on Friday, even as troops and police appeared to have quelled the unrest in the hotspot of Johannesburg.

Police reported attacks against immigrants and foreign-owned shops in a slum area of picturesque Cape Town.

The southern coastal city is a major draw for tourists and had thus far been spared the mob violence seen in Johannesburg.

At least 42 have been killed, more than 500 arrested and 16,000 displaced in the province of Gauteng, which includes Johannesburg and the capital Pretoria, since unrest broke out 12 days ago.

Police spokesman for the Cape Town area Billy Jones said a public meeting to address the danger of xenophobia in the Dunoon slum area 20 kilometres (12 miles) north of the city degenerated into violence on Thursday evening. 

I read the article several times to try to figure out who was killing whom and in addition to a reference to Pakistani immigrants the only other group mentioned was a vague reference to people coming from Zimbabwe.  But, who is being violent?  Surely not the majority blacks!   I didn’t think it was possible for blacks to be xenophobic, I always thought that was just a white malady. 

Foreigners in South Africa, many of whom have fled economic meltdown in neighbouring Zimbabwe, are being blamed for sky-high crime rates and depriving locals of jobs.

The violence, which has done untold damage to South African’s reputation as the “Rainbow Nation,” is also taking its toll on the country’s economy.

What is the “rainbow nation?”    I went to Wikipedia to learn more about South Africa as the “rainbow nation.”   You gotta laugh!   South Africa is run by the African National Congress which is a leftist (Marxist really) political party that has extolled the virtues of multiculturalism.   Here’s what Wikipedia said:

South Africa is often called the “Rainbow Nation”, a term coined by  Archbishop Desmond Tutu  and later adopted by then President Nelson Mandela. Mandela used the term “Rainbow Nation” as a metaphor to describe the country’s newly developing multicultural diversity after segregationist apartheid ideology.

The term was intended to encapsulate the unity of multi-culturalism and the coming-together of people of many different races, in a country once identified with the strict division of white and black.

Our elected officials (and Presidential candidates) can put their collective heads in the sand but the anger is growing about uncontrolled immigration and only time will tell how each country facing the same problem will solve the crisis— with the Swiss model or the South African model?