Germany: Leftwing Jews fuming because Jews who fear Islam have joined the political Rightwing

And, those Jews who fear the Muslim migration to Germany have done the unforgivable and formed a lobbying group with Germany’s AfD party (think of it as the Germany first! party). Invasion of Europe news…..     From Religion News Service: Jewish lobby in far-right German party denounced for anti-Muslim views PARIS (RNS) — A … Continue reading Germany: Leftwing Jews fuming because Jews who fear Islam have joined the political Rightwing

Germany: On eve of important regional election, German Leftists of all stripes head to the streets

Invasion of Europe news….. There was a massive (by all accounts) demonstration in Berlin yesterday, just as Bavarians in the south headed to the polls for a critical election today. First, on the election, a sampling of headlines says it all! At CNN: Bavarians vote in election that may spell doom for Merkel At Reuters: … Continue reading Germany: On eve of important regional election, German Leftists of all stripes head to the streets

Desperate to separate men from boys, Germany now pushing forward with new age test for asylum seekers

The news is in the science magazine Nature (thanks to reader James for sending it). And, why are they getting desperate?  Being registered as an asylum seeker under the age of 18 is a ticket to the good times in Europe and in the US!  The great flood of “unaccompanied minors” across the world, many … Continue reading Desperate to separate men from boys, Germany now pushing forward with new age test for asylum seekers

Germany: Mama Merkel survives for now, but significantly weakened

“Under her continued leadership, Germany will be largely immobilized at home and in Europe.” (Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund)   To save herself (HER government) she agreed to border controls for Germany.  Details are “sketchy,” but she agreed to the creation of transit centers at Germany’s borders to … Continue reading Germany: Mama Merkel survives for now, but significantly weakened