Why are we taking any 'refugees' from Israel?

This is another in my series of inquiries about why it is our responsibility to take ‘refugees’ off the hands of governments where those asylum seekers (supposed refugees) are that country’s problem. (Is Israel taking any of our illegal aliens/asylum seekers?) See my recent post on Russia, here.  Or, see the dumb deal with Australia, … Continue reading Why are we taking any 'refugees' from Israel?

Paraguay: Iraqis and Syrians using fake Israeli passports caught entering the country

Because refugee problems are now cropping up in South America we have recently added a category for that continent, see previous stories here.  Here is one post from February with a map of the routes being taken through South America and then to Europe. This news is not new, we have learned that fake passports … Continue reading Paraguay: Iraqis and Syrians using fake Israeli passports caught entering the country

American Jews beat up on Israel for not allowing African migrants to stay

Whew! This article in the Jewish Times featuring Jewish leaders in Maryland leading a campaign against Israel on the issue of asylum for tens of thousands of African migrants who got into Israel illegally is just too much.  I’ll let you read it yourself. We have covered the issue extensively in our category ‘Israel and … Continue reading American Jews beat up on Israel for not allowing African migrants to stay