Germany Welcomes New Shipment of Somalis as Transformation of Europe Continues

Invasion of Europe news…. This is just a quickie follow-up to a post I wrote here on Tuesday in which I reported that European Union countries are behind in their commitment to the United Nations to take in 50,000 UN-chosen refugees over a two year period. That 50,000 is divided among most EU countries and … Continue reading Germany Welcomes New Shipment of Somalis as Transformation of Europe Continues

Haitians (fearing Trump) heading to Canada found in possession of child porn

Hey, Justin! You are welcome to them! Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been saying, even before Trump was actually elected, that Canada would take ‘refugees’ the US didn’t want.  So gosh, what did those darn refugee rejects (the Somalis and now the Haitians) do?  They took his word for it and are heading en … Continue reading Haitians (fearing Trump) heading to Canada found in possession of child porn

Failing to be granted asylum in US, Somalis heading for Canadian border

When one sees stories titled like this one: Somalis With Criminal Records Are Heading for Canadian Border One immediately assumes this story has to do with changing US refugee policy under Donald Trump’s presidency, but check this out, they were already heading to Canada under Obama. From Alpha News: Fear of deportation is causing some … Continue reading Failing to be granted asylum in US, Somalis heading for Canadian border

(Only) 237 Somalis have been removed from US since last October; not thousands!

I was pretty excited to report here that we were stepping up deportations of illegal alien/criminal Somalis, that thousands would be removed. But, now I see that even that administration effort is really not much to write home about! The news here, if it is accurate, is that ICE won’t arrest illegal Somalis (who are … Continue reading (Only) 237 Somalis have been removed from US since last October; not thousands!