Attempt to block UNRWA’s terror ties stalled in Congress since January

FrontPage Magazine published an interview yesterday with  Asaf Romirowsky, a Middle East analyst and Adjunct Scholar at the Middle East Forum, who brings our attention to a bill in Congress dealing with UNRWA. That’s the UN agency in charge of the Palestinian refugees; we’ve written about it extensively. Briefly, we give it a lot of money, much of which … Continue reading Attempt to block UNRWA’s terror ties stalled in Congress since January

No hope for Palestinian “refugees” as long as UNRWA is in charge

Dissolve the UNRWA is the title of an article on FrontPage Magazine today by Joseph Puder.  UNRWA stands for United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and its sole responsibility is the Palestinian “refugees.” There are many reasons to put “refugees” in quotation marks; one is that alone among all agencies, UNRWA counts as refugees all descendants of those … Continue reading No hope for Palestinian “refugees” as long as UNRWA is in charge

Jihad Watch posts informative film on UNRWA

Check out the short film on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) at Jihad Watch here.    UNRWA is the special (highly controversial!)agency set up to specifically take care of the Palestinian multi-generation so-called ‘refugees.’ For more information, go back to Judy’s post here and follow links back to our extensive coverage. By the way, … Continue reading Jihad Watch posts informative film on UNRWA

UNRWA: tied to terrorism, and counting citizens of Jordan as refugees

The former chief attorney for UNRWA has issued a report full of facts the “international community” needs to face up to.  The Jerusalem Post’s Tovah Lazaroff reports here. The main point is the agency’s terrorism links,  but there’s another important point within the article that I didn’t know, which I will go into later in this post. The article … Continue reading UNRWA: tied to terrorism, and counting citizens of Jordan as refugees