West Virginia: Is Catholic Charities bringing in foreign laborers for a poultry plant to compete with Americans?

Here are some of the facts as we know them: West Virginia is a relatively new resettlement state which has received only 176 refugees in the last ten fiscal years. However, in addition to Catholic Charities resettling refugees, Episcopal Migration Ministries wants to open a new office in Charleston.  Presently CC has three locations and … Continue reading West Virginia: Is Catholic Charities bringing in foreign laborers for a poultry plant to compete with Americans?

How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Related update: See that Chobani has a new Lesbian ad that has fired-up one group of Moms! Click here. And, it informs us about one reason why Donald Trump says the Chamber of Commerce is no friend of America! I had to laugh this morning as CNN talking heads were scratching theirs about why Trump … Continue reading How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Fargo, ND mayor touted in story about Center for American Progress report on refugees

First, if you don’t know, the Center for American Progress is John Podesta’s creation. Podesta has been a long time friend of George Soros and a svengali of sorts for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  Clearly the Center for American Progress is now deeply involved in the refugee controversy (and in helping businesses find … Continue reading Fargo, ND mayor touted in story about Center for American Progress report on refugees