Maine election-year battle over welfare for asylum seekers on-going

We have reported on the problem in Maine for months (years!).  The gist of it is that Maine has had a wonderland of welfare for immigrants (that is what brought the first Somalis to Lewiston years ago) and now the LePage Administration is trying to cut back social services to asylum seekers.  (The federal government … Continue reading Maine election-year battle over welfare for asylum seekers on-going

NH: ‘Letter to the editor’ warns citizens of Dover to beware refugee resettlement

Remember the brouhaha a few weeks ago when it was announced that an upstart refugee resettlement contractor from Manchester, NH was eyeing Dover and surrounding towns as a new resettlement site.  We reported on it here.  A plan for a public meeting at which the contractor would answer questions was abruptly cancelled when publicity began … Continue reading NH: ‘Letter to the editor’ warns citizens of Dover to beware refugee resettlement

Will the federal government resettle hundreds of Congolese refugees in Dover, NH?

Only the people living there will decide….   Update August 1st:  More here on the cancellation of the opportunity for citizens to learn what refugee resettlement might mean for their towns. Update July 29th:  Public meeting cancelled—no surprise!  Read all about it here.  Keep this information below if your town becomes a target! Forget what … Continue reading Will the federal government resettle hundreds of Congolese refugees in Dover, NH?

Major media mentions refugee resettlement moratorium calls in New England

Thanks to everyone who has sent me one version or another of this story about calls for refugee resettlement moratoriums in Springfield, Mass, Lewiston, Maine, and Manchester, NH.***    Regular readers here know the problems in those three New England cities well, so it is not news to us. However…. What is news is that … Continue reading Major media mentions refugee resettlement moratorium calls in New England

Reader from Maine shares his comments to US State Department

This is one more in a (hopefully!) continuing series of statements (saved from the State Department’s black hole!) that readers of RRW have sent in response to their notice of a comment period on the “size and scope” of refugee admissions for fiscal year 2015. Longtime readers know that Maine has been a hotbed of … Continue reading Reader from Maine shares his comments to US State Department