President Trump gives us permission to speak!

With all the hullabaloo since yesterday about the President’s question about why we needed to import so many people from certain s***hole countries, I’m thinking that the great fear the PC crowd (pulling out the smelling salts) has is that when the President speaks straightforwardly (on anything), it gives permission for masses of Americans to … Continue reading President Trump gives us permission to speak!

US Catholic Bishops Thanksgiving message: we thank the US taxpayers for so generously supporting our good works

That headline is a joke of course! As the Bishops gathered and gave “thanks for the gift and contributions of immigrants and refugees to our great nation,” not a peep was mentioned about the millions of tax payer dollars going to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops “Migration Fund” which allows them to demonstrate their … Continue reading US Catholic Bishops Thanksgiving message: we thank the US taxpayers for so generously supporting our good works

Haitians (fearing Trump) heading to Canada found in possession of child porn

Hey, Justin! You are welcome to them! Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been saying, even before Trump was actually elected, that Canada would take ‘refugees’ the US didn’t want.  So gosh, what did those darn refugee rejects (the Somalis and now the Haitians) do?  They took his word for it and are heading en … Continue reading Haitians (fearing Trump) heading to Canada found in possession of child porn

Another 50,000 wannabe migrants to US learned if they won the lottery to America this week

I’ve concluded that I need to start writing more about other ways legal immigrants get to the US from Islamic terror-producing parts of the world. This week tens of thousands learned whether they won the “diversity visa lottery” (aka green card lottery) and will soon be on the way to your town. Overlooked by most … Continue reading Another 50,000 wannabe migrants to US learned if they won the lottery to America this week

Government demographic studies all wrong on Somali numbers in US

We probably have at least twice as many Somalis of ethnic descent living in the US as the federal government is telling us! This little article caught my eye yesterday, so I went back this morning to look at numbers I have recorded for years. From about Minnesota Somali numbers, with this line at … Continue reading Government demographic studies all wrong on Somali numbers in US