Going to Canada! African failed asylum seekers passing through Minnesota to get to border

I’m sure many of you are saying, let ’em go! Boy Trudeau loves refugees he can have them! But, this story at the Minneapolis Star Tribune is at once informative and fishy. Note that although the numbers of Africans crossing in to Canada from the US grew the most during the Obama Administration, the reporter, … Continue reading Going to Canada! African failed asylum seekers passing through Minnesota to get to border

New Mexico: Lutheran resettlement contractor puts brakes on new Sante Fe refugee program

With Trump win, Santa Fe’s refugee program on hold (Albuquerque Journal headline) Hurrah! We found another*** of the supposedly 47 sites the Obama Administration has (secretly!) approved or was working on approving for the massive numbers of refugees they expected to resettle had Hillary won the election rather than Donald Trump. Here is the sad … Continue reading New Mexico: Lutheran resettlement contractor puts brakes on new Sante Fe refugee program

Hundreds of Somalis and other Africans coming across US southern border, requesting asylum

Invasion of America….. This is nothing new, it’s been going on for all the years I’ve been writing this blog.  However, I expect the pace has been picking up lately as they fear that Trump might be serious about the wall. You know that anyone, supposedly impoverished, but with the resources  to travel across the … Continue reading Hundreds of Somalis and other Africans coming across US southern border, requesting asylum

Judge releases Somali 'asylum seeker' even though ORR said he was an adult, not a teen

Wow! Check out this story from Seattle—first, because it gives us a few clues about Unaccompanied Alien Minors, not all from Central America and Mexico, who know how to game the system, and secondly because here we see that the Office of Refugee Resettlement is trying to ferret out frauds among the ‘children’ only to be … Continue reading Judge releases Somali 'asylum seeker' even though ORR said he was an adult, not a teen

US Asylum fraud a growing problem; will success of European Muslim invasion inspire more?

I believe it will! We have written often over the years about asylum fraud.  But, before I give you the latest story, just a reminder about terminology in use here in America. A “refugee” is generally considered someone who claims they will be persecuted for one of several reasons and is transported here to America … Continue reading US Asylum fraud a growing problem; will success of European Muslim invasion inspire more?