South African xenophobia is the reason some Somalis are in Mankato, MN

When I saw this—one more story on Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ and the slowdown in refugee arrivals to America, it was just one more ‘ho-hum’—so what else is new. But, like most of the stories a little nugget pops out that gives me a better picture of how the UN and the US State Department are … Continue reading South African xenophobia is the reason some Somalis are in Mankato, MN

Seattle: Tax dollars go to special programs for special people—Somalis

I couldn’t help seeing the irony yesterday when I posted on how Denmark is attempting to break up ethnic ghettos that have developed in certain housing projects in that country, see here, while we in the US are still building our ethnic enclaves even using tax dollars to do it! And, before you move on, … Continue reading Seattle: Tax dollars go to special programs for special people—Somalis

Wow! Justice Department looking at denaturalization process for 4 Somalis who lied!

Their crime is that they pretended to be a family when one of the four won the Diversity Visa lottery! Before I give you the story, the first thing I thought of was the huge family reunification fraud revealed back in 2008 when the State Department shut down the so-called P-3 program when they found … Continue reading Wow! Justice Department looking at denaturalization process for 4 Somalis who lied!

NYT Op-ed: hand wringing about future of Democrat Party; Somalis mentioned

I confess I didn’t read the whole opinion piece in the New York Times as carefully as I should have (I have so little patience for this sort of excruciating hand wringing analysis). But, I read far enough to know that the gist of the schism, between our two major political parties, has to do … Continue reading NYT Op-ed: hand wringing about future of Democrat Party; Somalis mentioned