Ohio Somali slasher family's lawyer says family scared by Trump

Oh geez, here we go again.  Who are the victims here, according to the family lawyer, obviously not the Somali refugee who tried to ram down his fellow students with his car and slash them with a butcher knife—the injured victims are not the victims.  Artan’s family has now become the victims. They say (according … Continue reading Ohio Somali slasher family's lawyer says family scared by Trump

Ohio Somali slasher said he was angry because Buddhists in Burma mistreated Rohingya Muslims

So why is that our problem? After all we admitted 18,000 Burmese Muslims to the US since 2006! (Well, no one said this guy was brilliant after all!) This is my fourth post of the day on how the Somali Islamic terrorist attack on Monday has inspired the news media in so many different directions.  … Continue reading Ohio Somali slasher said he was angry because Buddhists in Burma mistreated Rohingya Muslims

Columbus, Ohio: Somali refugee rampage, was it a terrorist attack?

Update February 16th:  Original reports may have been inaccurate about the machete man’s nationality, see more here. …..If it walks like a duck! I’m assuming that by now most of you with concerns about the large number of Muslim refugees being admitted into the US have seen the news. It took awhile for the slasher’s … Continue reading Columbus, Ohio: Somali refugee rampage, was it a terrorist attack?