Obama ‘New American’ task force looking for ideas on “integrating” immigrants and refugees

We told you here a couple of weeks ago that the Obama Administration wants to Shape a Federal Immigrant and Refugee Integration Strategy! They need your help and have scheduled listening sessions so you might give them ideas. I’m thinking the best way to assimilate (preferred word!) them is to bring a whole lot less … Continue reading Obama ‘New American’ task force looking for ideas on “integrating” immigrants and refugees

Guest column: Americans should know how Karen people have stood with America

From Madeleine Blu of the Bwetee Pe lulu Team: I have been reading various USA’s newspapers on line. Over a period of time I have read posts, comments and articles from the USA on line. Most recent has been the Fort Wayne discussions on the Refugee Resettlement Watch Web Site. I was perturbed to read of … Continue reading Guest column: Americans should know how Karen people have stood with America

Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

Editor: If that title looks familiar, then you must be a long time reader.  But, it occurred to me just this morning, answering an e-mail from a reader, that since we get new followers every day and since we have now posted 7,624 articles here at RRW, that maybe re-posting some of those from time to … Continue reading Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

Guest commentary: United Nations Agenda 2030 primer

Editor:  Late last month, here, we mentioned that the United Nations-driven Agenda 2030 now involves the use of ‘refugees’ migrating around the world as an important tool for The Agenda. A reader, Sharon Shaw, from Kentucky has been following the issue closely and has offered to provide us with a series of informational pieces to … Continue reading Guest commentary: United Nations Agenda 2030 primer

Why is Obama so angry over the refugee issue?

A couple of thoughts as I was doing other-of-life’s duties this afternoon…. Obama has staked his Presidency on changing America and one important, and arguably the most fundamental way to do that, is by changing the people—remember his Task Force on New Americans plan to colonize, to “seed” American towns with diversity?  It is still going … Continue reading Why is Obama so angry over the refugee issue?