587 refugees admitted since 120-day moratorium should have started, Syrians top list

It has been 13 days since the Trump Administration said it would begin a 120-day moratorium on admissions through an Executive Order blocked by two rogue judges. Instead of doing what the Trump Department of State is legally permitted to do, without an EO, and pause the program, we have admitted 587 additional refugees since … Continue reading 587 refugees admitted since 120-day moratorium should have started, Syrians top list

German court: Syrian 'refugees' may not be refugees by definition

Invasion of Europe news….. Just yesterday I told you about how the Open Borders Left has in recent years been attempting to broaden the legal definition of refugee to include anyone running from almost anything! Refugees must prove they will be PERSECUTED if returned home. Now, we see a German court attempting to reestablish the … Continue reading German court: Syrian 'refugees' may not be refugees by definition

Manchester, NH police chief: 500 refugees coming to NH, 90,000 Syrians to America

That is what the Manchester Union Leader is reporting.  I’m thinking 90,000 Syrians is way high especially in the age of Trump.  Nevertheless, here is the story.  It is not clear to me (maybe it is to you!) what the motion before the mayor and council would actually do, so I’ll just stick to reporting … Continue reading Manchester, NH police chief: 500 refugees coming to NH, 90,000 Syrians to America

Resettlement industry wants 100,000 Syrians in FY17, 210,000 total refugees and billions more from Congress

Just to recap, Obama’s final ‘determination’ sent to Capitol Hill a week ago calls for a ceiling*** of 110,000 refugees from all over the world for Fiscal year 2017 which begins in 8 days.  He did not indicate how many of those would be Syrians but recently we learned that 20,000-30,000 would likely be Syrian … Continue reading Resettlement industry wants 100,000 Syrians in FY17, 210,000 total refugees and billions more from Congress

If Syrians safely go home (to Syria!) today for EID, are they still legitimate refugees?

The answer of course is NO!  Legitimate refugees are people escaping persecution of one sort or another. Economic migrants and even people staying out of war zones are NOT real refugees! I’ve been remiss in not reporting this fantastic essay by two former US asylum judges in which they define very carefully the definition of … Continue reading If Syrians safely go home (to Syria!) today for EID, are they still legitimate refugees?