UN Rep: Conditions improved for Rohingya, some resettled, no help for criminals

Speaking in Bangladesh on World Refugee Day, a UNHCR representative had this to say about the Rohingya Muslim refugees.   The whole article is here. Speaking as the chief guest at the discussion, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative Pia Prytz Phiri said, “Thousands of people in Bangladesh are getting displaced due to poverty, … Continue reading UN Rep: Conditions improved for Rohingya, some resettled, no help for criminals

More evidence we have already brought Rohingya to US

According to this article, Malaysia is dealing with illegal immigrants too (join the crowd) and although this is a bit confusing it appears that the Burmese Muslim Rohingyas are entering Malaysia illegally.    We’ve been wondering if we are already admitting Rohingya refugees to the US and here is a line from this news letter for a … Continue reading More evidence we have already brought Rohingya to US

Are Rohingya refugees already here?

Talks continued today between the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Gutteres, and representatives of the government of Bangladesh about how to resolve the Rohingya “crisis” according to this report in a publication from the Rohingya Youth Development Forum. These few lines caught my eye indicating that the US has already admitted Burmese Muslims perhaps mixed in with … Continue reading Are Rohingya refugees already here?

A Rohingya defender speaks out (and calls us names)

See my post of April 24th that prompted this post and the belated response by temme. We’ve been following the public relations efforts of Rohingya refugee advocates to convince the United Nations that 20,000-30,000 of these Burmese Muslims should be resettled in the West.  Canada has already taken some.   Just 10 days ago UN High Commissioner … Continue reading A Rohingya defender speaks out (and calls us names)

Bangladesh: Rohingya can go home to Burma, but refuse

In the wake of a visit to Bangladesh last week by UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, according to this report a stalemate seems to have been broken about the repatriation of the final 27,000 Muslim Rohingyas back to their homeland in Burma (Myanmar).   However, they say they will go only when democracy is established in … Continue reading Bangladesh: Rohingya can go home to Burma, but refuse