Christian group wants “durable solution” for Rohingya Muslims

You would think there are plenty of Christians being persecuted around the world to keep these pressure groups busy for a long long time, but Christian Solidarity Worldwide is going to bat for the Rohingya Muslims of Burma.   We have an entire category about Rohingya because we have been following for sometime their lobbying campaign to be resettled … Continue reading Christian group wants “durable solution” for Rohingya Muslims

Rohingya an environmental hazard in Bangladesh?

This article is a real head-scratcher.   It is published in something called the New Nation and is entitled “Using the media to communicate environmental risk.”   First its interesting to note that there are environmental activists in Bangladesh.  Maybe my view of that country is skewed but I envision it as a nation of poor people … Continue reading Rohingya an environmental hazard in Bangladesh?

Rohingya suffering human rights abuses and slavery in Muslim countries!

You are going to get weary of me saying I can’t believe what I am reading.  Earlier today it was about the Russians teaching Christianity in public schools and now a Rohingya Muslim organization is condemning Muslim countries for abusing Muslim refugees and enslaving them.  Yikes!  What is happening to the religion of peace! Here … Continue reading Rohingya suffering human rights abuses and slavery in Muslim countries!