Government grants available for Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh

Your tax dollars: All you NGO’s hurry on over to the State Department and get in line for grants available for Rohingya Muslim refugees in Bangladesh.   Yes, I know the theory—poverty breeds terrorism, so we are going to send American tax dollars to BANGLADESH!   What are we thinking!     Next thing you know we will be resettling Rohingya Islamists … Continue reading Government grants available for Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh

Indian author includes Rohingya groups in list of terror organizations in Bangladesh

I admit right up front that this article is way over my head.   I know India is plagued by Islamists and is experiencing horrific terrorist attacks— that’s about all I know.  Readers with some knowledge of the region may get more from it than I do. I’m posting it here to continue to build our archive … Continue reading Indian author includes Rohingya groups in list of terror organizations in Bangladesh

Rohingya appeal to Amnesty International to intercede with UNHCR

The Rohingya are Burmese Muslims who are spreading out throughout Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand and even Pakistan.  They want to be resettled in the West.  Canada has taken some already and maybe we have too, but no one is saying. Although this plea from Rohingya in Malaysia is confusing, I’m posting it here just to help … Continue reading Rohingya appeal to Amnesty International to intercede with UNHCR

Persecution of Rohingya in Burma leads to Islamic terrorism?

I guess that is what the author is saying in this opinion piece from Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror—that Muslims become radicalized due to persecution and poverty. We have an entire category on the Rohingya—we have posted on this Muslim Burmese (Myanmar) minority group ever since we first heard that they were agitating for resettlement to the … Continue reading Persecution of Rohingya in Burma leads to Islamic terrorism?