India apprehends Rohingya attempting to reach Pakistan

The Rohingya are Burmese Muslims who have spread out from the Arakan region of what we now call Myanmar to Bangladesh, Malaysia and Thailand among other nations in the region.   We have an entire category on their efforts to be resettled in Western countries.   But, as we have noted before, and as this article demonstrates, some … Continue reading India apprehends Rohingya attempting to reach Pakistan

First Rohingya refugees arrive in Great Britain, but are they in US already?

The first group of Rohingya Muslim refugees arrived in England this week. About 34 refugees from Nayapara and Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camps left Dhaka for resettlement in England on December 7, at about 8 am (local time), said a refugee named Kasim from Nayapara camp. First, a little background.  Over a year ago we received … Continue reading First Rohingya refugees arrive in Great Britain, but are they in US already?

Rohingya hold demonstration to demand “right” to resettlement

Muslim Rohingya displaced persons in Malaysia demonstrated today at the office of the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) to demand their “right,” as they call it, to be resettled in first world countries.    We have an entire category on Rohingya and have been chronicling for a long time their obviously well-orchestrated strategy to get out … Continue reading Rohingya hold demonstration to demand “right” to resettlement