CAIR wants St. Cloud highschools investigated

Who could have seen this coming (jesting of course!)?  Here comes CAIR (aka the Muslim Mafia) to the rescue as tensions build in St. Cloud, MN because of the growing Somali population (thank the US State Department and Catholic Charities among others for their roles in destabilizing your communities).   Check out my post yesterday, here. From the … Continue reading CAIR wants St. Cloud highschools investigated

Center for Immigration Studies releases its investigation of the Southern Poverty Law Center

The critical report entitled, “Immigration and the SPLC: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Invented a Smear, Served La Raza, Manipulated the Press, and Duped its Donors” can be found here.   Read the whole fascinating expose.  I mentioned it here last week. Readers in Frederick, MD, Ft. Wayne, IN, Boise, ID, and Manchester, NH should know … Continue reading Center for Immigration Studies releases its investigation of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Comments worth noting: Turmoil growing in Ft. Wayne over laundromat sign incident

The Ft. Wayne, IN laundromat sign story continues to be our top story for the past week at RRW.   Below are two comments to the story that indicate how heated the issue has become.   A couple of years ago (January 2008) I advocated, as did a writer at the News-Sentinel,  that Ft. Wayne needed a PUBLIC meeting … Continue reading Comments worth noting: Turmoil growing in Ft. Wayne over laundromat sign incident

Ft. Wayne, IN laundromat sign: no Burmese people allowed

Update March 20th:   Ft. Wayne lawyer stirs the pot further, here. Update March 18th:  Controversy is growing in Ft. Wayne, here. Update March 12th:  More on this story, here.  A teachable moment for all, including for Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities and other groups that work with Burmese immigrants should use the incident to educate newcomers … Continue reading Ft. Wayne, IN laundromat sign: no Burmese people allowed