Italy’s Salvini calls France an “international disgrace” over border incident

Invasion of Europe news…. Italian Interior Minister says that last Friday French police drove across the Italian border and deposited two (believed to be African) migrants in a rural forested area. The headline at the UK Express blares: France is an ’international DISGRACE!’ Salvini furious over migrant dumping incident   ITALY’S right-wing Deputy Premier and … Continue reading Italy’s Salvini calls France an “international disgrace” over border incident

Germany: Leftwing Jews fuming because Jews who fear Islam have joined the political Rightwing

And, those Jews who fear the Muslim migration to Germany have done the unforgivable and formed a lobbying group with Germany’s AfD party (think of it as the Germany first! party). Invasion of Europe news…..     From Religion News Service: Jewish lobby in far-right German party denounced for anti-Muslim views PARIS (RNS) — A … Continue reading Germany: Leftwing Jews fuming because Jews who fear Islam have joined the political Rightwing

Germany: On eve of important regional election, German Leftists of all stripes head to the streets

Invasion of Europe news….. There was a massive (by all accounts) demonstration in Berlin yesterday, just as Bavarians in the south headed to the polls for a critical election today. First, on the election, a sampling of headlines says it all! At CNN: Bavarians vote in election that may spell doom for Merkel At Reuters: … Continue reading Germany: On eve of important regional election, German Leftists of all stripes head to the streets

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Politics driving EU migration debate

Duh! No kidding! Invasion of Europe news…. UNHCR Filippo Grandi: “Responsibility-sharing has been replaced by responsibility-shedding.” Clever phrase by Grandi but a whole lot of average Europeans (Americans too!) are asking why it is their responsibility to save the African continent.     From the Malta Independent: UN refugee chief says Med migrant rescues ‘taken … Continue reading UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Politics driving EU migration debate