85% of Trump supporters believe Middle East refugees pose threat to America, but…

…get this! 40% of Democrats agree! I love how this is written.  The Reuters reporter says only 40% of Dems have the same fear.  Holy cow, that is a lot of people! Consider also that 74% of plain vanilla Republicans also worry about the resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees into their towns. I would have … Continue reading 85% of Trump supporters believe Middle East refugees pose threat to America, but…

Massachusetts: Iraqi family of seven living in a motel, so where are all of the bleeding heart humanitarians?

….where are all of you ‘Christian’ do-gooders with your personal charitable giving? This story should make your blood boil.  We are lectured that we should “welcome” refugees to our towns and cities and then those doing all the yammering leave families like this one high and dry, living in a series of motels and expecting … Continue reading Massachusetts: Iraqi family of seven living in a motel, so where are all of the bleeding heart humanitarians?

Tone deaf in Colorado Springs! We welcome Syrian Muslim refugees

Yesterday, within hours of the horrific Islamic terror attack in Brussels—a direct result of decades of “welcoming” immigration policy toward refugees, and migrants generally, from Muslim countries— citizens of Colorado Springs took to the streets to say they welcome Syrian mostly Muslim refugees to their city. From The Gazette: About 120 Colorado Springs residents rallied … Continue reading Tone deaf in Colorado Springs! We welcome Syrian Muslim refugees