HIAS Spearheading Effort to Repeal Muslim Ban in Anti-Trump PR Stunt

HIAS, for those new to refugee industry lingo, is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society  and yesterday they launched a grassroots campaign to pressure Congress into passing legislation that would abolish Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, and make it harder for any future President to keep us safe. Nevermind that there isn’t a Muslim ban as we … Continue reading HIAS Spearheading Effort to Repeal Muslim Ban in Anti-Trump PR Stunt

1,830 refugees arrived in the US in first month of FY19, welcomed by 43 states

In the first month of Fiscal Year 2019, Trump’s State Department admitted its initial group of refugees, mostly UN-selected, toward its proposed cap of 30,000 for resettlement  this year. They are being quietly distributed to approximately 170 towns and cities. If the DOS kept this same pace, 1,830 a month, we would come in just under … Continue reading 1,830 refugees arrived in the US in first month of FY19, welcomed by 43 states

Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto refused to meet the President yesterday

Surely you know all about Democrat Mayor Bill Peduto shunning the President and his family when they went to Pittsburgh yesterday to pay their respects to those murdered in the synagogue attack last Saturday.  Here is one of many stories about the Mayor’s snub. And, here is Peduto with Chris Matthews:     By the … Continue reading Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto refused to meet the President yesterday

Japan considering expanding refugee resettlement to 60

LOL! That doubles their present resettlement numbers. I doubt they impressed the UN High Commissioner for Refugees when he arrived there yesterday. From The Japan Times: Japan will consider accepting more Asian refugees from 2020, with an eye to doubling the current annual ceiling of about 30 to strengthen its response to regional humanitarian needs, government … Continue reading Japan considering expanding refugee resettlement to 60

US refugee resettlement contractors surviving for now on “leftover” federal dollars

We reported recently that the nine federally-funded non-profit groups that have monopolized all resettlement in the US for the last decade (some of them for three decades) will see their numbers diminished as the President continues reducing refugee resettlement. By becoming almost completely dependent on federal dollars, they built a house of cards. In this … Continue reading US refugee resettlement contractors surviving for now on “leftover” federal dollars