Minnesota Republican candidate for governor tells Breitbart radio he would seek to end refugee resettlement in the state if elected

And, I was surprised to see that in a recent poll he is only five points behind the Democrat candidate for governor.  Minnesotans who want to save their state need to get to work! For inspiration, re-visit this 2015 post where Minnesota’s present Democrat Governor told Minnesotans to leave the state if they didn’t like … Continue reading Minnesota Republican candidate for governor tells Breitbart radio he would seek to end refugee resettlement in the state if elected

Minnesota Muslims didn’t turn out 50,000 EID celebrants…

Update:  Matthew Vadum writing at Frontpage magazine has a piece today on the gathering. I’ve been looking around for a story that might best summarize what happened yesterday when Muslims in a supposed demonstration of power held a ‘religious’ event at Vikings Stadium in Minnesota. When I find more stories I’ll update this post, but … Continue reading Minnesota Muslims didn’t turn out 50,000 EID celebrants…

Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update)

Leo Hohmann has penned a very thorough report on the secretive (outside the Somali Muslim community!) event to be held tomorrow in Minnesota. We first reported it here last Thursday, but this is a must-read filled with details and expert translations of what one might expect to hear at the “one-of-a-kind Muslim event that’s never happened … Continue reading Minnesota: Muslims to show their “power” at Vikings Stadium event tomorrow (update)

Minnesota: Muslims say they will show their power next week at Vikings stadium

“There’s been nothing else like this, promoted anywhere in the United States which is a message in and of itself.” (Minnesota resident Bob Carrillo) But, it isn’t too late for Minnesotans and others to tell the powers-that-be at the US Bank Stadium that you object to the event—an event that celebrates the ritual slaughter of … Continue reading Minnesota: Muslims say they will show their power next week at Vikings stadium

Minnesota gubernatorial candidate says he will withdraw state from refugee program

It is a good campaign message, but in reality will get MN no where. How quickly people forget that in the last few years three other Republican governors made a big show out of withdrawing their states from the federal program (Texas, Kansas, New Jersey) and of course they still get refugees with Texas presently … Continue reading Minnesota gubernatorial candidate says he will withdraw state from refugee program