Amnesty International looking for answers from the Chinese

This is an update of the story we posted here eight days ago. Amnesty International wants to know what happened to 20 Muslim Uighur asylum seekers that Cambodia handed over to China recently.  Good luck with that request, or the request to see them! Uighur asylum-seekers who were forcibly deported from Cambodia last week after the country … Continue reading Amnesty International looking for answers from the Chinese

Gitmo prisoners returned to home countries where they can rejoin jihadists…

…..but no dice on sending the Uighurs back to China.  Oh brother, the Obama Administration promised to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center by January 2010 and with the clock ticking they are sending some to home countries where they can readily rejoin their Islamic terrorist buddies. I thought this was funny because it was in … Continue reading Gitmo prisoners returned to home countries where they can rejoin jihadists…

Obama lifts restrictions on detention for asylum seekers

The Obama Administration, obviously responding to complaints from groups like Human Rights First and Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, has reduced the time a prospective asylum seeker must spend in detention before being released into the US.  By the way, once released they are supposed to return for legal hearings.  I don’t know what the … Continue reading Obama lifts restrictions on detention for asylum seekers