Minnesota needs more money to combat refugee communicable diseases

The story at World Net Daily yesterday gave me an opportunity to vent about one of my major pet peeves.  And, that is that economic studies being scattered like rabbit turds around the media landscape that conclude that refugees bring economic prosperity wherever they are dropped never include the true cost of medical care (like … Continue reading Minnesota needs more money to combat refugee communicable diseases

Eritreans top list of Muslim 'refugees' entering the US this past week

But, are they really persecuted refugees or are they economic migrants from yet another African country whose government is a mess? And thus the fundamental question for us, as always, is: So why are they our problem? I did my usual end-of-the-week look at Wrapsnet just now. If you are following my updates in the … Continue reading Eritreans top list of Muslim 'refugees' entering the US this past week

Temporary refugees sent $1.3 billion back to Haiti in 2015, expert tells Tucker

At first I didn’t think they were going to get to the crux of the matter when Tucker Carlson last night grilled Steve Forester, an attorney for the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, about the upcoming Trump decision about whether to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti (we mentioned it here the … Continue reading Temporary refugees sent $1.3 billion back to Haiti in 2015, expert tells Tucker