Interfaith Leaders Tell the Prez: We Want 95,000 Refugees!

And, when do we want them—NOW!  Or, to be exact beginning in 22 days! As part of the on-going campaign to pressure the President to open our gates wide to more third world poverty, hundreds of “faith leaders” signed a letter last week urging the President to return to “historic norms” of resettlement even as … Continue reading Interfaith Leaders Tell the Prez: We Want 95,000 Refugees!

Nearly 400 Refugees Arrive in US During Supposed VIRUS Moratorium

I know there is a lot occupying your minds in these challenging times, but just thought some of you might like to know where the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is these days. In mid-March the UN stopped, or so they said, refugee travel worldwide due to the Chinese virus crisis, but obviously our US State … Continue reading Nearly 400 Refugees Arrive in US During Supposed VIRUS Moratorium

Syrian Refugee Shot/Killed by Thug in “Safe” Baltimore

It was only a matter of time. Crime-ridden Baltimore is for some strange reason a desirable resettlement location for the do-gooder refugee resettlement contractors. Message to the ‘humanitarians:’  Diversity does not bring strength to rotting American cities! See many previous posts on Baltimore here.  Baltimore mayors, Dems of course, have been yammering for years that … Continue reading Syrian Refugee Shot/Killed by Thug in “Safe” Baltimore

CAIR “thrilled” with Governor Hogan’s Letter in Support of More Muslim Refugees for Maryland

“We are thrilled with this decision.”  (Zainab Chaudry, director of CAIR Maryland outreach) Of course they are, they have apparently been lobbying him heavily. Just as you can be sure they were busy in most states making sure that governors, especially Republican governors, toed the line. I told you about Hogan’s consent yesterday, here.  I … Continue reading CAIR “thrilled” with Governor Hogan’s Letter in Support of More Muslim Refugees for Maryland

Idaho Senator Wants Special Refugee Program for Syrians and Kurds

“It is the ‘Invade the World/Invite the World’ attitude.” (A critic of the proposal echoing a common theme of the President)   The Senator’s idea is to add thousands to the President’s 2020 refugee cap for those who ‘supposedly’ helped us to defeat ISIS.  He recommends flying them here ASAP. The Senator is a Republican—Idaho … Continue reading Idaho Senator Wants Special Refugee Program for Syrians and Kurds