Another story about refugees living in deplorable housing, this time in San Antonio, Texas

And, this time rather than the International Rescue Committee getting the blame (as they did in California), it is Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Catholic refugee agency worker: The charity’s “model of resettlement has not really changed for 20, 30 years. They still basically do what they’re required to do, but they … Continue reading Another story about refugees living in deplorable housing, this time in San Antonio, Texas

The dark underbelly of refugee resettlement in the US—churches neglecting refugees, working with questionable landlords

When I first began writing this blog in July 2007, one of the issues that attracted my attention was the puzzling decision by the Virginia Council of Churches, working for major resettlement contractor Church World Service, to place refugees in one of the worst buildings in the worst section of Hagerstown, MD. But, here we … Continue reading The dark underbelly of refugee resettlement in the US—churches neglecting refugees, working with questionable landlords

Does America have a moral obligation to resettle refugees?

That is the question a young opinion writer asks and answers (in the affirmative of course!) in the wake of Wednesday’s Supreme Court hearing on the President’s travel ban. The long opinion piece in Deseret News by writer Gillian Friedman evoked a largely negative response by readers.  I especially got a chuckle out of this … Continue reading Does America have a moral obligation to resettle refugees?

UN Ambassador Haley: Most Syrians just want to go home

Clearly The Guardian doesn’t want to hear that bit of information. Frankly, if there weren’t nine federal refugee contractors being paid on a per refugee head basis to bring refugees to your towns and cities, maybe then a realistic policy could be advanced to care for (legitimate) refugees near their homes so that returning them … Continue reading UN Ambassador Haley: Most Syrians just want to go home

Venezuelans are not refugees, but you will be told they are!

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but people on the move because they need work and food (or their climate is changing some), or fear crime in their own countries are not legitimate refugees requiring resettlement.     By the internationally understood definition, a legitimate refugee must be able to … Continue reading Venezuelans are not refugees, but you will be told they are!