Hungarian PM Orban says that EU following Soros' migration plan

He also suggests Italy will soon attempt to close its borders.  I won’t hold my breath on that one, political correctness has most of Europe by the short hairs. Invasion of Europe news…..     From Breitbart London (which has been doing a great job of reporting on the invasion): Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán … Continue reading Hungarian PM Orban says that EU following Soros' migration plan

Poland standing firm: Will not take refugee "quota" they were previously assigned

European nations on the edges of Europe have taken the full brunt of the migrant flood to Europe. The fault lies in the fact that the EU leadership never had the guts to turn the boats back to Turkey or the North African coast when the invasion began in earnest several years ago.  Additionally the … Continue reading Poland standing firm: Will not take refugee "quota" they were previously assigned

Ireland not (yet) taking its required quota of refugees under demands from EU

But, yuk, they promised to take 200 migrants from the “French migrant camp in Calais.”  21 have arrived already! Don’t you love it the way the media makes it sound like the camp at Calais was just one more sanctioned migrant camp.  It was not! It was a location in France across the English Channel … Continue reading Ireland not (yet) taking its required quota of refugees under demands from EU

Mark Steyn: Kicking the croissant down the road….it is demographic conquest stupid!

Invasion of Europe news… The first thing I thought of when I heard the news that Marine Le Pen had lost to the globalist Emmanuel Macron was Mark Steyn’s predictions in America Alone.  If you have never read it, you must.  And while you are at it don’t skip The Camp of Saints (over 40 … Continue reading Mark Steyn: Kicking the croissant down the road….it is demographic conquest stupid!

UAE Ambassador to Germany warns Merkel about radical Islamist preachers

Invasion of Europe news…. German Chancellor Angela Merkel traveled to the United Arab Emirates to strengthen trade agreements and to see if that Muslim country would take some refugees. They SAY they will take 15,000 Syrians over  3 years, but don’t hold your breath.  More interesting, however, is the warning Merkel received according to World … Continue reading UAE Ambassador to Germany warns Merkel about radical Islamist preachers