Members of Senate Jihad Caucus ask Trump for “robust” number of FY18 refugees; joined by two RINOs

A couple of years ago, when Obama was considering how many Syrian Muslims to admit to the US, a bunch of far Left Senators sent a letter demanding he admit 65,000 Syrians on top of at least another 100,000 refugees from around the world. So, friends of mine coined the term ‘Senate Jihad Caucus’ to … Continue reading Members of Senate Jihad Caucus ask Trump for “robust” number of FY18 refugees; joined by two RINOs

German election 3 weeks away; magazine says 60 Syrian terrorists in the country

Invasion of Europe news…. From Deutsche Welle: Almost 60 former fighters from a Syrian militia group linked to al Qaeda came to Germany posing as refugees, German news weekly Der Spiegel reported on Saturday. The former fighters are thought to have been members of the Owais al-Qorani Brigade and to have fought on various sides … Continue reading German election 3 weeks away; magazine says 60 Syrian terrorists in the country

South Carolina governor wants no refugees from six countries named in Trump travel ‘ban’

So what! The feds will do what they want to do as most Republican governors have figured out already.  And, since Trump’s State Department is still being run by the pro-more-refugees bureaucrats, does anyone really think they will give a ‘rats rear end’ about the wishes of a governor from a former (gasp!) Confederate state. … Continue reading South Carolina governor wants no refugees from six countries named in Trump travel ‘ban’

IOM: Over 1.2 million Syrians have returned home in last two years

As Syria is showing signs of a return to some order and ISIS strength is diminishing, Syrians are going home says the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM). So, does it make any sense for the US to PERMANENTLY resettle thousands at great expense to the US taxpayer? No! From MWC News: Syrians who have … Continue reading IOM: Over 1.2 million Syrians have returned home in last two years