“Please dispel the myth that taxpayers pay for refugee resettlement!”

Your tax dollars: That is what a woman in the audience asked Mohamed Abdurahman, the regional refugee coordinator for the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, at a public forum recently in Kansas.  He can’t dispel the myth because taxpayers do pay for refugee resettlement. I just saw this story at Friends of Refugees … Continue reading “Please dispel the myth that taxpayers pay for refugee resettlement!”

Another Refugee Resettlement Industry Letter to the President, Lutherans This Time

I know this is just another ho-hum letter to the Administration (for the media’s consumption) from the ‘religious’ Left insisting that the President admit 95,000 refugees to America beginning on Thursday—yes, this coming Thursday October first. However, I am posting it just to be sure my archives are complete for this year’s Presidential determination lobbying … Continue reading Another Refugee Resettlement Industry Letter to the President, Lutherans This Time

540 Local Elected Officials Tell Trump to Open Refugee Pipeline

I told you here that the refugee industry was working on a letter to the President urging him to get the refugee flow into America moving again. Yesterday they sent the letter with 540 signatories. Says Amnesty International: By signing this letter, these elected officials have joined together to voice their commitment to welcoming refugees … Continue reading 540 Local Elected Officials Tell Trump to Open Refugee Pipeline

Interfaith Leaders Tell the Prez: We Want 95,000 Refugees!

And, when do we want them—NOW!  Or, to be exact beginning in 22 days! As part of the on-going campaign to pressure the President to open our gates wide to more third world poverty, hundreds of “faith leaders” signed a letter last week urging the President to return to “historic norms” of resettlement even as … Continue reading Interfaith Leaders Tell the Prez: We Want 95,000 Refugees!

Refugee contractor, IRC, teams with TripAdvisor to give refugees tourist opportunities for free

I guess this is going to be International Rescue Committee day at RRW (see previous post about filthy rich IRC closing an office in Kansas). My first thought when I saw this story was that refugee resettlement sure is an industry!  And, my second thought was…. …There must be a lot of low income Americans … Continue reading Refugee contractor, IRC, teams with TripAdvisor to give refugees tourist opportunities for free