Australian press thinks its unlikely US will take rejected 'refugees' off their hands

Mr Trump! Forget Syrians for a minute! Are we going to suspend resettlement of all ‘high-risk aliens?’ Here is a story from Sky News Australia which links Trump advisor Kris Kobach’s proposals to Trump last weekend in NJ as evidence that the deal might well be dead on arrival.  See my earlier post this morning … Continue reading Australian press thinks its unlikely US will take rejected 'refugees' off their hands

Refugee resettlement industry held emergency conference call on Friday: What will Trump do?

Update November 22nd: Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart investigated and found more details.  In an update to his earlier article, he reports that the US State Department claims they did not organize or participate in the conference call, see here. They are worried. And, as my good friend Richard (Blue Ridge Forum) would say, it … Continue reading Refugee resettlement industry held emergency conference call on Friday: What will Trump do?

Obama State Department is pouring refugees in at rate to admit 135,000 by September 2017

Just as we predicted, Obama’s State Department is admitting refugees at a rate not seen in decades. Are they trying to flood the zone before a possible Trump Administration takes the reins of government in January?  We think so! I was having such fun researching numbers for my previous post, here, that I thought I … Continue reading Obama State Department is pouring refugees in at rate to admit 135,000 by September 2017