Government shut-down slowing the flow of refugees to the US

There are a spate of stories like this one in my alerts today.   Obviously the US State Department has put out the word, for media consumption, that there are many boo-hoo stories of families not being reunited thanks to those evil Congressional Republicans.  [The Administration has apparently worn out the National Park Service closure hardship … Continue reading Government shut-down slowing the flow of refugees to the US

Surprise! Another Iraqi refugee with possible terror ties incarcerated (San Antonio this time)

I missed this story earlier this month, but reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted it and alerted us to it.   The original story appears in the San Antonio Express-News, but it’s not readily available.  Fortunately, the blogger at  ‘Limits to Growth’ posted the entire story. And, when I say another Iraqi, I’m thinking of those two Kentucky refugees … Continue reading Surprise! Another Iraqi refugee with possible terror ties incarcerated (San Antonio this time)

Daniel Pipes: Let refugees stay in their own cultural zone!

I love it!  And, it makes so much sense you know it won’t fly! But, it gives me an idea.  Immigration restriction advocates are always on the defense when dealing with the open borders agitators demanding we should be “good” people and let ’em all in.  Pipes has a suggestion—and we should all be promoting … Continue reading Daniel Pipes: Let refugees stay in their own cultural zone!

Arizona: Iraqi refugee who bombed federal building charged with killing Hispanic man

This is a diversity is beautiful alert from Senator John McCain’s home state, and a preferred resettlement state for Iraqis.  It is also an update of a story we posted here last December. From AP at USA Today (hat tip:  Atlas Shrugs): An Iraqi man charged with detonating a homemade bomb outside a federal building … Continue reading Arizona: Iraqi refugee who bombed federal building charged with killing Hispanic man