Iraq Action Days: Lobbying campaign to bring more Iraqis to US

We told you that earlier this week a coalition of groups joined up in Washington DC to begin a concerted lobbying campaign to Congress on the issue of Iraq’s displaced people (no word from them about Iraq’s truly persecuted Christians).   Check out the wrap-up at something called The List Project.   Watch the film clip of various speakers … Continue reading Iraq Action Days: Lobbying campaign to bring more Iraqis to US

GAO: Huge numbers of Special Immigrant Visa holders not finding work

But a big problem, says the Government Accountability Office , is that neither the US State Department or the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS are doing much to track the outcomes of those admitted to the US from Iraq and Afghanistan who supposedly worked for us as interpreters. I told you here recently that the number … Continue reading GAO: Huge numbers of Special Immigrant Visa holders not finding work

Mass exodus from Muslim Kosovo into Europe; did US play a role in creating the crisis?

Editor:  Little did I know when I posted a short news story about the ‘invasion of Hungary’ last evening that the situation in Kosovo has become untenable and a mass exodus was so advanced.  ‘Pungentpeppers’ has again pulled many threads together to give us the big picture of what is happening in Eastern Europe.  Is … Continue reading Mass exodus from Muslim Kosovo into Europe; did US play a role in creating the crisis?

Ethnic-based groups are taxpayer-supported “community organizers”

They are ethnic supremacist groups using your tax dollars to get government goodies to THEIR people and getting those same people politically involved. Note below that the feds only talk now about “integration.”  “Assimilation” is banned from the lingo. This morning I wrote about Mayor Sarno and Springfield Massachusetts’ refugee overload and the local Ethnic … Continue reading Ethnic-based groups are taxpayer-supported “community organizers”

Rand Paul speaks out again on refugees; Huffington Post reporter shows bias?

…..or is she just plain uninformed? Immigration reporter Elise Foley seems to sneer at Senator Paul and may have purposefully left a few facts out of this article on Paul at HuffPo yesterday— ‘They Bring ‘Em In,’ Sign Them Up For Welfare. Perhaps we should direct Ms. Foley (and her editors!) to our new Fact … Continue reading Rand Paul speaks out again on refugees; Huffington Post reporter shows bias?