Spying on Somali refugees keeps feds busy, busy, busy; and more Somalis on the way!

  Over the last 24 hours two stories came to my attention about how the federal government and local law enforcement supposedly have their hands full and are crafting programs and spending big bucks on surveillance of the Somali refugee “community” in several Office of Refugee Resettlement “preferred” resettlement cities—notably Minneapolis and San Diego.  They … Continue reading Spying on Somali refugees keeps feds busy, busy, busy; and more Somalis on the way!

Mexican government paying legal fees so illegal alien kids can stay in America

Now why would they do a thing like that?  Wouldn’t you think that they would need these young people in Mexico—aren’t they Mexico’s future? Yes, they are—right here in the USA!  They are Mexico’s pipeline to American money! Can you say remittances! It is cheaper to assure Mexicans can stay and work in America by … Continue reading Mexican government paying legal fees so illegal alien kids can stay in America

Tennessee concerned citizen to speak on refugees/states rights in Union City Tuesday

Editors note:  This is an example of what you can do as American patriots to help get the message out that the refugee resettlement program of the US government is flawed and in need of immediate reform—become a citizen investigator and help spread the word. If you are in the vicinity of Union City, please … Continue reading Tennessee concerned citizen to speak on refugees/states rights in Union City Tuesday

Is the “remittance culture” driving the “children” to America?

“Why work when money just pours in from Western Union regularly?” Update August 12th:  More on remittance culture in Breitbart article about illegal Hondurans in US. A few years ago when I was researching a story on “temporary protected status” I came across a comment by George Bush, or someone in his State Department, saying … Continue reading Is the “remittance culture” driving the “children” to America?

US immigrants send billions of dollars out of the country

They are officially called remittances and have made the news lately, here, because American banks are increasingly refusing to send money to Somalia fearing it will end up in the hands of terrorists. The Pew Research Center earlier this year calculated that approximately $123,273,000,000 is sent out of the US every year.  Hat tip:  Jim. … Continue reading US immigrants send billions of dollars out of the country