Boy Rubio straddling the fence again on refugees/immigration; bring in children and old women

Julia Hahn has another good piece at Breitbart yesterday (hat tip: Joanne) on the refugee resettlement controversy and how it is roiling the 2016 Presidential campaign. Haven’t we seen what happens when a boy runs this country?  And, so I can’t believe that any thinking person could say that Florida Senator Marco Rubio is ready … Continue reading Boy Rubio straddling the fence again on refugees/immigration; bring in children and old women

In Texas, Leftist community organizers target governor over Syrian refugee stance

As you know by now, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has supported the call made by scores of other governors to halt Syrian resettlement to the state. Texas is the holy grail for the No Borders activists (they want to turn it BLUE) and as such has been the number one state in the nation for … Continue reading In Texas, Leftist community organizers target governor over Syrian refugee stance

Arabs in Dearborn support governor's decision to curtail Syrian refugee resettlement

Yesterday we reported that many Christian Syrian immigrants in Allentown, PA oppose resettlement of the mostly Sunni Muslim Syrians in the pipeline to America, and now look at this!  The mostly Shiite Muslims in the Dearborn area don’t want the Sunni Syrians there either! Before you read this latest news, be sure to check our … Continue reading Arabs in Dearborn support governor's decision to curtail Syrian refugee resettlement

Canadian Libs to announce Tuesday how they will bring in 25,000 Syrians in next 6 weeks

  Sigh…. Really feeling sorry for Canada. From The Spectator: OTTAWA — How the Liberal government intends to bring thousands of Syrian refugees to Canada by year’s end will become clear Tuesday with the rollout of the plan for the largest rapid resettlement program in the country’s history. Federal ministers would not divulge any elements … Continue reading Canadian Libs to announce Tuesday how they will bring in 25,000 Syrians in next 6 weeks

Great map and summary of state/city positions on Syrian resettlement

In one short week, everything has changed in the political landscape around the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, so much so that I’ve lost track!  Here is a good US map and description (as of Thursday, the 19th).  I know 48 hours is a long time ago considering how fast things are moving, so … Continue reading Great map and summary of state/city positions on Syrian resettlement