House Immigration Subcommittee to hold hearing on Syrian resettlement Thursday

This is a hearing we have been wondering about literally for months.  What took them so long? Trey Gowdy is Chairman of the Subcommittee, go here for details. Here is the witness list (what is this “invited,” haven’t they agreed to show up?): Ms. Anne C. Richard (Invited) Assistant Secretary Bureau of Population, Refugees, and … Continue reading House Immigration Subcommittee to hold hearing on Syrian resettlement Thursday

Syrians entering US in first six weeks of 2016 fiscal year; 98% Sunni Muslim

Here is where the 291 Syrians who have entered the US in FY2016 have been placed.  California, Texas, Kentucky, Arizona and Ohio make the top five.  (I selected for my search October 1, 2015 to November 15, 2015 and assume the data base is up to date to the 15th, but can’t know that for … Continue reading Syrians entering US in first six weeks of 2016 fiscal year; 98% Sunni Muslim

The Hill is reporting that 16 governors want Syrian resettlement suspended due to security concerns

***Update November 17*** CNN says 27 now. ***Update*** More states here (scroll for updates). Update of previous post!  (Guess the NYT will have to update its map) From The Hill: Fifteen Republican governors and one Democrat have announced plans to block Syrian refugees from resettling in their states in the wake of last week’s terrorist … Continue reading The Hill is reporting that 16 governors want Syrian resettlement suspended due to security concerns

NYT: Eight governors (so far) have said they don't want Syrians resettled in their states

I’ve got to hand it to the New York Times, they sure can do some great graphic work!  Look at this fantastic map (which doesn’t reproduce well, so check it out by clicking here). [NYT has updated this map!–ed]     And here is how the NYT story begins.  They have nailed it in the … Continue reading NYT: Eight governors (so far) have said they don't want Syrians resettled in their states

One of the Paris killers was a Syrian refugee who had passed through Greece

Breaking news and lead on Drudge just now:  Two of the terrorists are refugees who came through Greece, here. The Guardian is reporting the news with a caveat. The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed though Greece in … Continue reading One of the Paris killers was a Syrian refugee who had passed through Greece