Sacramento to welcome large number of Syrians says resettlement contractor

There is nothing unexpected in this news article about the new CEO of ‘Opening Doors’ another resettlement agency contracted through Church World Service (one of nine major resettlement contractors working for the UN/US State Department), but I bring it to you because it makes some points we have been making lately. Yes!  They are contractors! … Continue reading Sacramento to welcome large number of Syrians says resettlement contractor

Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Peduto: Bring us Syrian Muslims!

The Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA is one of 18 mayors who recently wrote to Obama asking the administration to admit 100,000 Syrians to America in the coming year. By the way, 97% of those admitted in FY2015 were Muslims, not persecuted Christians.     Here is a story at Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto is committed to … Continue reading Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Peduto: Bring us Syrian Muslims!

UNHCR has almost 20,000 Syrians picked out for us, lists our resettlement commitment as "open-ended"

Thanks to reader Sheila for sending this UN High Commissioner for Refugees “pledge” list (dated the 7th of October) for Syrian refugees.  Note that the UNHCR has chosen 19,646 Syrians for us and has listed our commitment as “open-ended.” So why isn’t the Obama Administration’s pledge of 10,000 listed here?  Why “open-ended?” I urge you to … Continue reading UNHCR has almost 20,000 Syrians picked out for us, lists our resettlement commitment as "open-ended"

Baltimore Mayor: Bring on the refugees to save dying city!

One of the great myths of our times—large numbers of immigrants will resuscitate dying cities. We’ve written several times previously about Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake hoping to boost the population (and the economy!) of Baltimore city by bringing in thousands of impoverished third worlders. Didn’t we see in the recent riots that African American gangs … Continue reading Baltimore Mayor: Bring on the refugees to save dying city!

Washington, DC thinker: Bring Muslim Syrians to US so they will love us in the Middle East

You know something.  I hate Washington, DC think tanks where supposedly brainy people get paid to tell Americans what to think.  I even hate  a lot of think tanks on the supposedly conservative side.  Right now, I’m pretty steamed at the Heritage Foundation, but that is a story for another day. This ‘brilliant’ (not!) bit … Continue reading Washington, DC thinker: Bring Muslim Syrians to US so they will love us in the Middle East