Another federal raid in Lewiston, ME, so what else is new!

My first thought when I saw yet another federal raid (here is one last June) of a Somali business in Lewiston, ME is that I can’t wait for the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence to bring their everything-is-wonderful-in-Lewiston dog and pony show to Frederick, MD!   For readers not familiar with that story, go here, where we … Continue reading Another federal raid in Lewiston, ME, so what else is new!

Feel the love in Lewiston, newspaper editor told to leave meeting by prevention of hate group

This is a must read for the folks in Frederick, MD, Boise, ID, Manchester, NH and Ft. Wayne, IN!  The managing editor of the Sun Journal, Lewiston Maine’s daily newspaper, has written a scathing editorial about what happened when she attended the multiculturalism-is-beautiful-and-thriving-in-Maine conference. I reported to you ten days ago about the conference and how this … Continue reading Feel the love in Lewiston, newspaper editor told to leave meeting by prevention of hate group

Lewiston, ME to be used as assimilation model for other cities

Update February 17th:  US Justice Department funding behind this project, here. Update February 9th:  Newspaper editor tells the truth about Lewiston, here. You have got to be laughing if you have been a regular reader of Refugee Resettlement Watch.  The Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence* in Portland, ME is taking its wonderful example of how Somalis … Continue reading Lewiston, ME to be used as assimilation model for other cities

Lewiston, ME: Somali woman with no driver’s license runs down student

Boy, this is one strange story.   Here is how it begins at the Sun Journal (hat tip: Susan): LEWISTON — A teenager was struck by a car and the driver was arrested Thursday morning after an accident at the high school. Police said Lewiston High School junior Kelsey Cope-Norris, 16, was struck by a car … Continue reading Lewiston, ME: Somali woman with no driver’s license runs down student

Somali ‘youths’ randomly attacking and robbing people in Lewiston, ME

This is an incredible story coming to us today from the Sun Journal in Lewiston, ME, hat tip to Jane for sending it.  It is so incredible I’m tempted to post the whole thing, but it’s important that readers follow the link back to the Sun Journal so that they get lots of readers (lots … Continue reading Somali ‘youths’ randomly attacking and robbing people in Lewiston, ME