Two weeks into FY2016, 51 Syrians arrive in US; Kentucky 'welcomed' the most

As we know, the Obama Administration is aiming to resettle 10,000 Syrians this year.  The resettlement contractors, including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, are pushing for 100,000 (btw, this post on the Bishops and 100,000 took off on social media in the last few days). From the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center for … Continue reading Two weeks into FY2016, 51 Syrians arrive in US; Kentucky 'welcomed' the most

Seattle has a commission on refugees and immigrants, November meeting coming up

A reader has brought to my attention that there are opportunities for concerned citizens to attend meetings where you can learn more about what is going on where you live and who the principle players are (who are the people in your community calling the shots). No rent hikes!  What do you think?  Are they … Continue reading Seattle has a commission on refugees and immigrants, November meeting coming up

White House petitioner, who wants 65,000 Syrians admitted to US, invited to secret meeting

I told you about this White House petition here, and I know that the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants and possibly the International Rescue Committee (two federal resettlement contractors) were initially involved, or I wouldn’t have mentioned USCRI (their affiliation with the petition must have been removed) in my original post. However, now we … Continue reading White House petitioner, who wants 65,000 Syrians admitted to US, invited to secret meeting

After visiting Lesbos, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin calls for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to US

This is really not surprising news as Durbin has been the leader of the Senate Jihad Caucus for many months (he initially called for 65,000 Syrian mostly Muslim migrants to be admitted to the US last spring), so jumping to 100,000 is no surprise (and they mean to get this done before Obama leaves office). … Continue reading After visiting Lesbos, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin calls for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to US

Netherlands' NIMBYs: Dutch Jews do not want Middle Eastern refugees housed near them

More invasion of Europe news….. In my view they are being sensible, unlike the US federal resettlement contractor, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (bring in 100,000 Syrians!), that is happily resettling Muslim refugees in your towns and cities. Go here to see where HIAS works near you. From the Jewish Press : (”The Jewish community of Amsterdam says it … Continue reading Netherlands' NIMBYs: Dutch Jews do not want Middle Eastern refugees housed near them