St. Cloud professor Luke Tripp is professional agitator on behalf of Somali refugees

Five years ago next month we wrote about Luke Tripp and now we see he is still busy agitating and creating tension in the latest incident in St. Cloud involving a high school and Somalis demonstrating and claiming they are being mistreated in the school system because of their race. Tripp is doing what Obama … Continue reading St. Cloud professor Luke Tripp is professional agitator on behalf of Somali refugees

Fort Wayne, IN update: store owner punished in sign controversy

Regular readers may recall that we reported back in early March that a laundromat employee apparently disgusted by some unhygienic behavior (that has not been entirely spelled out) had posted a sign saying no Burmese were permitted in the store.  You can imagine the ruckus that caused!   I believe the sign wasn’t even up for a day … Continue reading Fort Wayne, IN update: store owner punished in sign controversy

St. Cloud, MN a perfect example of community agitation to bring “change”

Luke Tripp and Mahmoud Mohamed are community agitators.  What is happening in St. Cloud, MN now and for the last few years is a perfect example of Saul Alinsky’s (Rules for Radicals) strategy being put into motion to bring about “change” through creating crisis in communities.  It is no coincidence that one of the most outspoken conservative critics … Continue reading St. Cloud, MN a perfect example of community agitation to bring “change”