Far-Left USCCB is not being straight with Catholics

Your tax dollars: Last night I came upon this typical puffy article where Archbishop John Nienstedt (Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis) writing in The Catholic Spirit tells Catholics what great charitable work they are doing taking care of refugees.  Here is how his article begins: Throughout the world, we find areas where war, strife or persecution have … Continue reading Far-Left USCCB is not being straight with Catholics

That tired old epithet “Racist!” doesn’t work anymore

We’ve said it a lot around here, to call someone a “racist” has no meaning anymore. We know that for decades Liberals have called anyone who questions immigration policies and programs “racists” only to silence any serious intellectual discussion, so when I saw this article by Adam Baldwin at Big Hollywood tonight, I decided to post some … Continue reading That tired old epithet “Racist!” doesn’t work anymore

International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights launched in Copenhagen

They are calling themselves the ICCR (I don’t know what happened to the other ‘R’) and they want justice and reparations.  I have a whole bunch of articles to post on “climate refugees” from Copenhagen, but am just posting this one tonight to give you a flavor of how it’s going and what we will no doubt … Continue reading International Campaign on Climate Refugees’ Rights launched in Copenhagen

Pittsburgh: Just who exactly is exploiting the refugees?

Update December 2nd:  More background on this story here. Update November November 27th:  UK reader tells us why Karen must have proper interpreters, here. Let’s see, is it an ‘evil’ Catholic Charities, an ‘evil’ business, or the ‘evil’ labor unions?   Or, maybe all three?   I believe that for the first time, I am seeing evidence of a thesis … Continue reading Pittsburgh: Just who exactly is exploiting the refugees?

Cloward-Piven Strategy: bring down Capitalism by flooding the welfare system

More on November 23rd:   Jim Simpson, an expert on the Cloward-Piven strategy has more today at the American Thinker, here. That is the basic goal involved in the Cloward-Piven strategy that most of us never heard of until Obama and the community organizers got to the White House.  I’ve been reading about it lately, thanks … Continue reading Cloward-Piven Strategy: bring down Capitalism by flooding the welfare system