South Africa: Now that Mandela is dead the foreign migrants must leave?

As I read this one more story about “xenophobic” attacks in South Africa entitled ‘Six shot amid xenophobic mayhem,‘ I said to myself, ho-hum, nothing new here—the rainbow nation is crumbling (if it ever existed!).   Then near the end this line jumped out at me: “People have been talking a lot lately, saying Mandela is … Continue reading South Africa: Now that Mandela is dead the foreign migrants must leave?

So much for “welcoming the stranger” in the socialist dream land of South Africa

Dubbed the “Rainbow Nation” by the world’s communist and socialist dreamers, South Africa is anything but a mecca for all people.  They call it “xenophobia” here instead of “racism” because the crimes being perpetrated on Somalis (and vice versa) are black on black crime. Oh, the irony! From the Global Post: More than 150 Somali-owned … Continue reading So much for “welcoming the stranger” in the socialist dream land of South Africa

Minnesota Somalis protest Somali murder in South Africa

The South African xenophobia has further upset American Somalis who are protesting in solidarity with their Somali kinfolk in S. Africa.  First a protest in Columbus, Ohio and now one in Minneapolis. They need to tell Obama to put pressure on the Socialist Rainbow Nation he admires so much when he visits later this month.  … Continue reading Minnesota Somalis protest Somali murder in South Africa