Spencer hails Chris Gaubatz as “more than a hero”

Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch) writing at Frontpage magazine called Chris Gaubatz a hero for going undercover at the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) where he obtained 12,000 pages of documents that help tell the story of how CAIR, a supposed Muslim civil rights group,  is part of the worldwide stealth jihad.   We first told you … Continue reading Spencer hails Chris Gaubatz as “more than a hero”

Anti-jihad conference in conjunction with CPAC

Update February 21st:  Judy attended and wrote a review of the conference here. Update February 19th:  I’ve heard first hand from attendees that the event was excellent.  However, Lawrence Auster makes some good points here about the squishiness of most to address the Muslim immigration question. Update February 17th:  CAIR tries to kill this event!  … Continue reading Anti-jihad conference in conjunction with CPAC

Free speech victory against predatory Muslim groups

Robert Spencer reports at FrontPage Magazine: In a major victory for the increasingly embattled freedom of speech, the Texas Supreme Court has just denied a petition by the Islamic Society of Arlington, Texas and six other Texas-based Islamic organizations to review their case against human rights activist (and FrontPage Magazine writer) Joe Kaufman. The case has … Continue reading Free speech victory against predatory Muslim groups