UN wants the West to take in one million refugees over 5 years; Wilders calls it invitation to Jihadist infiltrators

Update April 30th:  Two Muslim Congressmen try to block Geert Wilders appearance in America, here. I’m off again today, this time to DC and, alas, have no time to post much, but wanted to get this excellent article from Fox News posted before I catch the train.   Hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum. Thank … Continue reading UN wants the West to take in one million refugees over 5 years; Wilders calls it invitation to Jihadist infiltrators

Wilders speaks in Vienna, calls again for a halt to Muslim immigration to the West

There is one brave political leader shouting from the roof tops across Europe that citizens must speak up and demand a halt to the Hijrah, the migration of Muslims to the West, whose goal is simply-put: to destroy the West from within. From (appropriately) the Gates of Vienna blog (Geert Wilders speech in Vienna last … Continue reading Wilders speaks in Vienna, calls again for a halt to Muslim immigration to the West

Obama’s ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ summit opened yesterday and is on-going today

It was at the opening yesterday that VP Joe Biden told about his Somali pals driving cabs in his hometown.   Here is what the Voice of America reported yesterday. If you are on twitter, go to #CVESummit today to follow the latest news. Last week the Center for Security Policy held its own summit (Defeat … Continue reading Obama’s ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ summit opened yesterday and is on-going today

Member of the Dutch Parliament calls for mosques to be banished from the Netherlands

  …..and it wasn’t Geert Wilders saying it this time. From Breitbart which has been doing a good job of reporting on the invasion and Islamification of Europe: A Dutch right-wing member of parliament called for a purge of mosques in the Netherlands during a debate on the integration of Muslim and Turkish minorities. “Dutch … Continue reading Member of the Dutch Parliament calls for mosques to be banished from the Netherlands

Norway Intelligence Service warns terrorists may pose as Syrian refugees and asylum seekers

Really, no kidding! Norway has already had 10,000 asylum claims this year with 1,700 from Syria. From The Nordic Page: PST [Police Intelligence Service] is concerned that people with extreme militant connections in Syria come to Norway. Talking to TV2, PST superintendent Svein Erik Molstad said their main concern is individuals misusing refugees and asylum … Continue reading Norway Intelligence Service warns terrorists may pose as Syrian refugees and asylum seekers