What a shock! What an outrage, as President Donald Trump reduces the number of paying clients for the refugee contractors***, this ‘religious’ charity declares it will have to seek private donations from churches.
Last I checked, World Relief (full name: World Relief, National Association of Evangelicals) a private Christian non-profit group was 73% funded by you, the taxpayer, to place refugees in your towns and cities.
So how many will donate their private money for their (religious) humanitarian good works?
When the Refugee Act of 1980became law, it was understood that resettlement was a public-private partnership, but as the years have gone by the contractors have gotten lazier and lazier about raising private money. Poor managers, they must never have envisioned a day when some of their federal money would dry up.
Now (gasp!) World Relief Atlanta says it will have to go to the churches for their ‘religious’ charitable work. Imagine that!
….and was wearing a hijab, thus making her an even greater target for trigger happy police.
Here we go again! As Leo Hohmannsays, here comes the Council on American Islamic Relations and the mental illness excuse! What I want to know is, if so many of these violent Muslim refugees have mental problem, why weren’t they screened out in the super-duper screening process that Obama’s State Department/DHS claimed we had? Hohmann’s post opens with this:
Police face backlash after officers shoot, kill knife-wielding Somali refugee near Atlanta
CAIR Georgia Executive Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell: The hijab could have caused police to react with less restraint! Photo and bio: http://www.cairgeorgia.com/about-us/394-executive-director-edward-ahmed-mitchell.html
How many times has a Muslim migrant attacked innocent Americans and the Council on American-Islamic Relations or some other advocacy group swoops in to suggest that the attack was a result of mental illness?
~It happened in the mall stabbings in St. Cloud, Minnesota, carried out by Somali refugee Dahir Adan in 2016 [when CAIR suggested Adan’s insomnia may have caused him to snap]
~It happened last summer when another Somali refugee threatened the townspeople of Faribault, Minnesota, with a knife.
~It happened after the Ohio State University car and knife attack in 2016 by Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan.
~It happened in the attack that killed 14 Americans in San Bernardino in December 2015 by Syed Farooq and his migrant fiancée.
~It happened in Chattanooga in July 2015 when five U.S. servicemen were shot and killed by Kuwaiti-American Mohammad Abdulaziz.
~And when Amina Ali Ahra, aka Iesha Ibrahim, a female refugee from Somalia, attacked and beat a Lawrenceville, Georgia, woman and her daughter with their own flagpole in 2016 the FBI refused to charge Ibrahim with a hate crime because it said she was mentally impaired.
Well, it happened again on Saturday, April 28, in Johns Creek, a suburb of Atlanta, where Somali refugee Shukri Ali Said, 36, was threatening her family members with a knife.
Read all of the details (with links) of what happened by clicking here.
Back in 2013, when I attended an Office of Refugee Resettlementmeeting in Lancaster, PA, government officials identified Georgia as having a ‘pocket of resistance’ because the Republican Governor, Nathan Deal, had asked the feds to stop sending so many, that Georgia was overloaded. So it is no surprise that Gov. Deal is saying the same thing today. (And, it looks like his appeal to the US State Department fell on deaf ears!)
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: I can only assume Gov. Deal did not warn SC Gov. Nikki Haley before she went on record supporting more refugees for South Carolina. Either that or she didn’t listen. LOL! Maybe he didn’t warn her because he wishes SC would take some of the load off of Georgia!
Gov. Nathan Deal’s administration doesn’t want to see the number of refugees resettling in Georgia increase, despite pleas from humanitarian officials urging the U.S. to take in substantially more Syrians fleeing their war-torn country.
In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday, Deal urged a cautious approach to the desperate refugee crisis unfolding across the Mediterranean Sea and Europe. The governor repeated his assertion – disputed by some advocates – that Georgia takes in more than its fair share of refugees.
Deal’s administration confirmed Tuesday it has asked the State Department to keep the number of refugees resettling in the Peach State “static” going into the next fiscal year.
“We will be welcoming,” Deal told the AJC. “But we want to make sure we’re not taking a disproportionately large share of them compared to other parts of the country.”
This is very interesting considering Reed has been promoting Atlanta as a welcoming city.
Deal’s wary approach to the escalating crisis was echoed by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, typically one of the region’s most forceful advocates of a welcoming policy to immigrants and refugees. He said he needed more time to evaluate the city’s position and that he would likely follow the lead of the Obama administration, which is weighing its options.
“I’m not going to get ahead of the federal government with regards to the Syrian refugee crisis,” he said.
The Deal administration has previously called on the U.S. State Department to sharply reduce the numbers of refugees being resettled in Georgia, citing state and local taxpayer costs associated with taking in the refugees, school budget shortfalls and other concerns.
Local resettlement agencies have long pushed back, beyond arguing that Georgia has a moral obligation to embrace refugees. They say refugees attract millions of dollars in federal aid money, form a ready pool of eager employees and ultimately create businesses and pay taxes.
LOL! A reduction of 16 refugees sure doesn’t sound like a reduction to me!
Last year, the U.S. State Department confirmed it had limited the number of all refugees coming to Georgia, based partly on the Deal administration’s concerns. The number of refugees who have been resettling in Georgia dropped by less than 1 percent over the past two fiscal years, from 2,710 to 2,694.
Deal is right here. The resettlement contractors put “natural enemies” together in some cities expecting (naively?) that the mythical magic melting pot will do its work and the lion will lay down with the lamb or some such foolishness!
“When they decide where they bring in individuals,” Deal said, “they need to do a better job of making sure they haven’t put an over-concentration of people from different countries, some of whom have been natural enemies of each other. Trying to put them side-by-side in a small community like Clarkston is not doing a service to those individuals.”
Endnote: I don’t know whatever happened with Athens, GA where the mayor (a Democrat) wanted answers from the feds before she put a stamp of approval on a refugee program for Athens. Does anyone know whatever happened? Did the contractor, the International Refugee Committee, set up shop there?
Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Daily, has another in what is turning into a series on Obama’s plan to change America by changing the people.
Chris Farrell, Director of Research at Judicial Watch, characterizes it as “social engineering writ large.”
However, one of the revelations in this article entitled ‘Mayors join Obama’s ‘welcoming’ parade for immigrants’ is that the social engineering began long before Obama took office!
According to Nashville citizen activist Joanne Bregman, it began in earnest during the Bush Administration!
We told you about Atlanta and public-enemy-number-one—David Lubell—here last October in our post on the ‘dirty dozen mayors’ selling out America! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/10/02/welcoming-america-announces-dirty-dozen-mayors-who-invite-illegal-alien-children-to-their-cities/
Hohmann begins his narrative with news from ‘Welcoming’ Atlanta:
For the millions of immigrants and refugees who might feel unwelcome in Georgia, Texas, Alabama and any other state not on board with President Obama’s plans to “build welcoming communities” for “new Americans,” Mayor Kasim Reed has a message: Come to Atlanta.
City spokeswoman Melissa Mullinax told WND that Reed began working with Welcoming America more than a year ago.
Welcoming America is headed by David Lubell, a close associate of President Obama who met with the president when he announced his executive amnesty plans in Nashville last November. Lubell’s group was hatched in 2010 with $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros and is now flush with federal grants. [‘Welcoming America,’ patterned after Lubell’s earlier group ‘Welcoming Tennessee,’ first came to my attention at an Office of Refugee Resettlement ‘stakeholders’ meeting here in Lancaster, PA in 2013.—ed]
Gotta get those Democrat voters registered!
According to city documents, Reed agreed on Sept. 17, 2014, to implement a list of 20 recommendations from the Welcoming Atlanta Working Group, an outgrowth of Lubell’s national Welcoming America. Number 10 on the list was to open “citizenship corners” at local libraries and to “conduct voter registration drives and outreach at City of Atlanta festivals.”
Changing Nashville, TN began in 2001 with a federal grant!
Hohmann continues:
A local activist who opposes new settlements of refugees in Tennessee and asked not to be identified, told WND the city has received thousands of Kurdish and Somali refugees over the past 15 years and most have not assimilated, living in “enclaves.”
“They call Nashville ‘Little Kurdistan,’” she said. “We have the largest Kurdish community in the U.S. thanks to refugee resettlement. They’re mostly Sunni, and most of the Islamic activism has come out of the Kurdish community here.”
Like the mayors in Chicago, Atlanta and L.A., Nashville Mayor Karl Dean has created a special high-level office, the New Americans Advisory Council, to advise him on how to integrate the growing population of foreign-born residents.
Planting seed communities in smaller cities
Nashville’s foray into the immigrant welcoming business began in earnest when it agreed to join a pilot program funded by a federal grant to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2001. Nashville joined Portland, Oregon, and Lowell, Massachusetts, as the three experimental testing grounds.
“The whole point of this grant if you look in retrospect what they were trying to do, is expand the resettlements outside of the traditional gateway cities of L.A., New York, Houston, Boston, Miami and Chicago and plant new seeds throughout the country,” the Nashville activist said.
“They roped in the Chamber of Commerce, which took this federal grant,” she added. “And one of the outgrowths of this twisted thinking is to very quickly get the refugees invested in local government and forming coalitions within their communities.”
For those of you conflicted about the humanitarian issues involved with refugees and immigrants, make no mistake, this is about money and power, straight up!
Most refugees (who don’t have an Islamic supremacist agenda) and refugees and immigrants (who aren’t looking for a handout of taxpayer-funded goodies)are pawns for the Chamber of Commerce, big businesses and progressives hungry for power. Is it all about money for the Republican elitists who turn a blind eye?
Frances McBrayer, senior director of refugee resettlement services: Don’t interrupt refugee benefits!
When the Refugee Act of 1980became law, the understanding was that refugees were not to be on welfare (we were not going to be importing poverty!) and that it was to be a public-private partnership where the private non-profits were supposed to be using their own funds along with taxpayer dollars for resettlement.
As we have chronicled at RRW over the years, the contractors are often 90% or even more funded by taxpayers, while some of their CEO’s are making high six-digit salaries!
The federal government shutdown has halted cash assistance and medical aid for refugees resettled in Georgia.
Refugees are permitted to use the federal cash aid for food, clothing, shelter, transportation and any other expenses until they become employed or otherwise self-sufficient, according to the Georgia Department of Human Services.A family of three is eligible to receive up to $280 monthly for up to eight months. Like the cash assistance, federal medical aid is based on gross income or resources.
“There may be other private funds available to refugees by the local resettlement agencies, churches, civic organization, etc.,” the state agency said in a prepared statement Wednesday.
Catholic Charities Atlanta bemoaned the loss of federal funding.
“Catholic Charities is hopeful for a quick resolution to all of this in order not to have these refugee benefits interrupted,” said Frances McBrayer, senior director of refugee resettlement services for Catholic Charities Atlanta.
I just now checked out Catholic Charities of Atlanta Form 990 (most recent one available). They took in about $5.7 million in that year. $1.75 million came directly from “government grants,” another $2 million came from “related organizations.” I can only guess that might be the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, which would make it also taxpayer dollars (p. 9 of Form 990). Their expenses on Page 10 included: salaries, benefits, office expenses, advertising, travel, conferences etc. amounting to $4.5 million (I’ve rounded the numbers). So basically, most of the income they receive goes toward keeping the organization running so they can get refugees resettled and signed-up for public assistance.
How about a special Bingo night or two to raise money for refugees during the government shut-down! Just a suggestion!
For all of our posts on problems in Atlanta, click here. For more on the Refugee Resettlement Program and government goodies, see our fact sheet.