How many did it take to change Belgium? Brussels in mourning. For what? Their dead? or their naivete? Both? Photo: A recent poll confirms that a large percentage of American Muslims here now would like to live under Shariah law.
Before I get to the article. Think about it. Belgium did nothing that should have been seen as provoking the ire of Islam. They aren’t flying jets over the Middle East and Africa. In fact all they have done for the last two decades is to warmly WELCOME migrants to live among them, and bend over backwards to meet Muslim demands for accommodation of Islam (Shariah). And, what do they get for the naivete —-they get murdered in the name of Allah. Here is the news from American Thinker(hat tip: Sodiumpen):
The poll’s results show that at least 37% – and possibly as high as 45% – of American Muslims believe that their religion should be either the main source or a contributing source of American law.
The results are in general agreement with a poll released by the Center for Security Policy in June 2015 that showed 51% of American Muslims agreeing that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”
For context, there are currently 3.3 million Muslims in the United States. If current population trends continue, the United States could be a Muslim-majority nation by mid-century. [BTW, CAIR claims there are 10 million Muslims in America.—ed]
It doesn’t take a Muslim majority to clamor for Shariah law, it only takes a population of just 3, 4, 5% in most cases we’ve followed around the world. You know what I don’t get, how do those pushing for more and more Muslim migration to America think that somehow we will escape Belgium’s fate some day? It is just a matter of numbers and percentages.
It is past time! We have been writing about it for years.
Belgium, Germany, France, even the UK have been for decades “welcoming” Muslim migrants and what has it gotten them! This! Update March 23: Please read about Alex’s blog from Germanyabout Islamists’ plans for Europe, America, Australia and yes, Canada too. Alex posted this literally hours before the news broke of the horrific Islamic attack on Brussels. Free speech from Germany is a rare thing! Catch it when you can!
There is only one difference between us and them.They have been seeing the colonization longer and the percentage of the Muslim population is higher than ours is here in America. How can our ‘leaders’ possibly not see the same future for us if we allow the Muslim population to continue to grow exponentially. It is just a matter of numbers and once the population reaches as little as 3 or 4% (pick a number, it will be much lower than you assume!) there will be Molenbeeks in many American cities as the supremacists become confident that they can hide in their cities within cities. A scene earlier this morning from the departure area of the Brussels airport. Salt Lake City in ten years? Or Phoenix?
Because this blog is about refugees, I just checked the numbers of Muslim refugees admitted to the US since Obama was elected (but this has been going on for at least a decade before that through the George W. Bush Presidency as well!).
The number of Muslim refugees totaled 154,160 (in a total refugee count of just short of a half million for all religious persuasions) since the fall of 2008 (to March 15, 2016). They break down like this: 69,400 Moslems (sect not specified), 33,000 Shiite Moslems, and 51,760 Sunni Moslems. That is just in less than 8 years!
Those numbers do not include all the Muslims who came in through the Diversity Visa Lottery, those who are here in Temporary Protected Status, Student visa holders and the list goes on. And, it doesn’t include all of those who have entered the US illegally and then applied for asylum!
I had to chuckle (well sort of) when I saw that we admitted 30,052 Iraqi Shiites and 40,450 Iraqi Sunnis! In other words we are bringing in both sides of the centuries-old Shiite/Sunni conflict! Is that doubly insane! Does anyone really believe they will bury the hatchet (oops!) and that the mythical American melting pot will make it all go away!
A reminder to voters in Utah and Arizona today!
You both have cities in the top twenty US cities receiving Somali Muslims (Iraqis too!) with a track record of producing devout Islamic supremacist youths! See here. Donald Trump is right! Stop the migration!
Here are the top twentyhot Somali cities in just the last year:
Belgium, a country already struggling with a large Muslim migrant population, initiated a rescue of 250 Syrian Christians and has now been charged with participating in a publicity stunt.
I’m not holding my breath waiting for the day when US Christian and Jewish non-profits who contract with the federal government to resettle refugees say—WE WANT TO SAVE THE CHRISTIANS FIRST! Unbelievable! Playing politics with Christian lives? “Brigitte Hermans, an expert from the Catholic NGO Pax Christi, worries that the rescue will only embolden Bashar al-Assad’s claims that ISIS, rather than his regime, is the true threat to the Syrian people.” Those ‘Christian’ and ‘Jewish’ ‘charities’ I’m talking about are the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Church World Service, World Relief (Evangelicals) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
96% of the Syrian refugees being resettled by US Christian and Jewish charities are Syrian Muslims (mostly Sunni Muslims).
Why are they afraid to tell the UN and the Obama State Department NO! Obviously some in Belgium have guts!
From Worldcrunch:
BRUSSELS — Moved by the dramatic situation of the Christian population in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, a group of Belgian activists, with support from the government, orchestrated a remarkable rescue operation to save nearly 250 Syrian Christians.
In Aleppo, the Christians were under continuous assault by ISIS, the al-Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra front and the Assad regime. Now they’re set to receive refugee status in Belgium and join the approximately 5,500 Syrian refugees already in the country.
Aleppo had 160,000 Christians before the war. Belgian authorities estimate there are only 55,000 left now.
Certain observers have harshly criticized the Michel administration, calling the rescue a public relations stunt. The government had been facing criticism in the past for its lackluster response to the refugee crisis in Europe, and still has not specified how many asylum seekers it will accept from the rest of the EU. Echoing the concerns of other EU members, Brussels opposes the proposals for a mandatory quota system but has yet to indicate whether it will host part of the 64,000 people who need to be resettled.
There is more here.
About the photo, apparently this publication has spelled Ms. Herremans’ name wrong, here. Herremans has written with a pro-Palestinian bias for Pax Christi (the International Catholic Peace Movement), here.
In one photo accompanying the story in Aljazeera, protestors (mostly men) seeking asylum carry a sign that says they are not “dangerous.” Then here is another photo in the same spread that surely doesn’t look like they are exactly meek and neighborly either—why the raised fists? Is it the pose of Islamic conquerors?
For the second time in less than a month, hundreds of Afghan asylum seekers and their supporters held a three-day protest march in Belgium.
The 70-km march started on January 11 in Brussels and ended in Ghent. The aim was to publicise the situation of Belgium’s Afghan asylum seekers, and put pressure on the Belgian government to provide protection and legal residency.
After the first march, Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo expressed some sympathy for their situation. But Maggie De Block, the secretary of state for asylum and migration and for social integration, has taken a tougher line. During the march, the protesters stopped in front of her home and left her a symbolic bus ticket to Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital.
Many of the participants had been denied asylum despite the fact that Afghanistan is still insecure. Some Afghans have even been deported. The group of Afghan asylum-seekers, some of whom have lived in Belgium for years, began protesting last year after some of them were denied asylum. Two hundred of them, including women and children, have been occupying a church in the center of Brussels for the past four months – where they have access to only two toilets.
This is our previous post on Afghans demonstrating in Belgium, poor Belgium.
Up to 350 Afghan asylum-seekers and their supporters set up a camp in Belgium’s western town of Mons, urging local authorities to arrange a meeting with Belgian Prime Minister to demand residency papers.
The Prime Minister was not at home, and the asylum demanders were offered, but turned down a warm room.
While the Prime Minister has at least promised to study their cases, his Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration and for Social Integration, Maggie De Block, informed that the Afghans’ requests would be processed as for any other illegal immigrants.
The numbers are growing.
In 2012, there were 332 000 asylum applicants registered in the EU27, the European Union of 27 Member States. Afghanistan, with 8 percent of the total number of applicants, remained the first main country of citizenship of these applicants, according to Eurostat.
Germany, France, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Belgium register 70 percent of all applicants. In 2012, the highest number of applicants was registered in Germany (77 500 applicants, or 23 percent of total applicants), followed by France (18 percent), Sweden (13 percent), the United Kingdom (8 percent) and Belgium (8 percent).
BERLIN – Germany has seen a spike in far-right protests against refugees this year as the number of people seeking asylum in the country rose by two thirds.
Government figures show 18 “noteworthy” extremist gatherings outside buildings housing refugees this year, compared with three in 2012.
Nearly 100,000 people applied for asylum in Germany between January and November, up from 60,000 in 2012.
Almost half the protests this year were organized by the far-right National Democratic Party, or NPD.
Germany’s 16 states have asked the country’s highest court to ban the party.
Ha! Germany, banning opposition parties? Isn’t that what happened once before in history? No lessons learned about fascism and silencing speech?
Police chief says they must make life tough for illegal migrants entering Greece.
As Syria’s refugee crisis mounts, host countries in Europe and the Middle East have grown uneasy over new arrivals. But even by these standards, candid comments by Greece’s top police official reveal a particularly hostile welcome for thousands of refugees on Europe’s southern border.
Last week, the Chief of the Greek Police suggested that irregular immigrants’ lives should “be made unbearable,” according to a leaked audio recording from a meeting of police officials publicized by the Greek magazine, Hot Doc.
“If (authorities) told me I could go to a country… and would be detained for three months and then would be free to steal and rob, to do whatever you want… that is great,” a man identified as the police chief says on the tape. Describing the police response, he continued: “We aimed for increased periods of detention… we increased it to 18 months… for what purpose? We must make their lives unbearable.”
Here is one thing I don’t get about this—these illegal migrants (would-be asylum seekers) are traveling through Turkey to get to Europe. Turkey is a “safe country,” why aren’t they asking for asylum there and why isn’t the UNHCR demanding that they apply in Turkey, even if it means more UN camps in Turkey. It makes one wonder if the UN and Turkey are in cahoots to help speed up the invasion of Europe.