Lonsdale priest apologizes for anti-Muslim remarks made during homily
LONSDALE, Minn. (FOX 9) – A Minnesota priest has apologized for comments he made about the Muslim faith during a service in Lonsdale.
Wednesday it was calm and quiet outside of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Lonsdale, but what happened inside the doors during a recent Sunday homily has some people incredibly upset.
Jaylani Hussein pounced!
Jaylani Hussein, executive director of CAIR-Minnesota, spoke out after audio of that Sunday sermon was shared on a blog and picked up steam online.
The priest’s comments about Muslims were the focal point.
“More specifically, we should not allow large numbers of Muslims asylum or immigration into our country,” said Fr. Nick VanDenBroeke in the recording.
“Islam is the greatest threat in the world to both Christianity and to America.”
“Of course, there are peaceful Muslims, absolutely,” he added. “But the religion as a religion and as an ideology and worldview, it is contrary to Christ and America.”
Others see those words as a big step back in building interfaith relationships.
“I think there are real consequences to these types of behavior and I hope someone who listened to that does not become more radicalized where they see Muslims as a threat and they become a threat to Muslims,” said Hussein.
Then here Fox 9published the remarks for which Father VanDenBroeke apologized. I’m posting this so they don’t disappear. Heck if there was a priest like this near me, I might rush back to the church!
Both as Americans and Christians we do not need to pretend that everyone who seeks entry into America should be treated the same. I believe it’s essential to consider the religion and world view of immigrants or refugees more specifically we should not allow large numbers of Muslims asylum or immigration into our country.
Islam is the greatest threat in the world both to Christianity and to America – of course there are peaceful Muslims, absolutely, but the religion as a religion and as an ideology and world view it is contrary to Christ and America.
I am not saying we hate Muslims, I am absolutely not saying that, they are people created out of love by God just as each one of us is. But while we certainly don’t hate them as people we must oppose their religion and world view.
And if we want to protect our great country, not only as a Christian nation but also as the land of the free then we must oppose the immigration of Muslims, that’s an example of keeping bad ideas out of the country that we have the right to do as a sovereign nation.
I’m not a hater for saying this I’m not saying something anti-Christian because the religion is anti-Christian.
I’m simply a realist to acknowledge that fact, they are the greatest threat to Christianity and America and we need to recognize that fact and our laws of immigration need to reflect that.
Astounding, simply astounding! Maybe the President should invite him to the White House or the State of the Union!
The filthy rich US Conference of Catholic Bishopsis at odds with the Trump Administration over immigration policy—so what else is new!
“America welcomes refugees; that is who we are, that is what we do.” Vasquez chair of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration is telling Trump.
Here is a long (too long) recitation of everything the President is doing to annoy Catholic Bishops, but one thing is missing and that is that the Trump Administration has reduced by tens of millions the boodle the Bishops get from the US Treasury!
Could that be the real reason they are so hot under the collar?
Trump administration at odds with Catholic leaders on immigration policies
This has been the summer of discontent for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on U.S. immigration policy. Since June the U.S. bishops have released more than 10 statements reflecting their displeasure with a broad range of White House decisions on immigration.
The U.S.C.C.B. has criticized the administration’s treatment of migrant detainees, especially children, challenging policy that has resulted in the separation of families and led to inhumane conditions at detention sites. It has resisted White House plans to rewrite asylum rules and to allow temporary protected status for vulnerable migrant communities to expire, and it has deplored proposed cuts to foreign aid that bishops say will only drive more migrants to the U.S. border.
On Sept. 13 the U.S.C.C.B. weighed in on immigration again, this time on plans that critics charge will mean the end of the United States as a safe haven for the world’s refugees.
So get this, large numbers of Catholics are supporting the President!
Ethics professor Heyer with the Pope. Catholics who support Trump are “ignoring their bishops.”
Resistance to the president’s immigration policies is high when measured among all Catholics, but white Catholics offered Trump 56 percent of their vote in 2016 and a majority of white Catholics—51 percent—still maintain a favorable opinion of the president—many among them presumably support White House immigration proposals. Those who do are not only ignoring their bishops, said Kristin Heyer, discussing the subject via email, they are endorsing positions at sharp odds with church teaching on migration and its call to protect the lives and the human dignity of migrating people.
Ms. Heyer is a professor of theological ethics at Boston College.
“The Catholic social tradition recognizes the right of sovereign nations to control their borders,” Ms. Heyer said, “but the right is not understood to be absolute. In the case of blatant human rights violations, the right to state sovereignty is relativized by the tradition’s primary commitment to protecting human dignity.”
“As the Catholic Church prepares to celebrate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees” on Sept. 29, “we are reminded of Pope Francis urging us all to work for a ‘globalization of solidarity’ with refugees, not a globalization of ‘indifference,’” the bishops said.
It is long, so you can read the rest yourself byclicking here. Catholics should definitely read it so you know the entire litany of complaints the Bishops have with the Prez.
Absent from the article is any mention of the fact that the USCCB is one of the largest ‘non-profit’ recipients of taxpayer dollars going to what they call their “migration program.”
Gee, I wonder how the humanitarians are managing with a budgetary loss of $24 million in one year!
From arecent financial statement(page 10). This is only the federal tax dollars the USCCB receives for its migration services. They receive many millions more for myriad programs they run for the federal government.
Holy moly! Their revenue received from the US Treasury dropped by nearly a third in one year ($24 million went poof!).
The disingenuous Leftwing media is never going to mention that there is TAXPAYER funded payola involved in the USCCB’s supposed ‘Christian charity,’ so I guess I will just have to keep repeating myself!
Here is what I don’t get: Why does their love of “the other” always have to be demonstrated via a political event— a staged event to show how good they are and how bad you are?
Social justice warriors: The Catholic Church and an ‘Interfaith’ group hold a political event in Lexington tomorrow.
Can’t these Catholics simply (quietly!) help refugees and immigrants without making a show of it?
Here is news from Lexington, KY about such an event tomorrow entitled: “Share the Journey with Migrant, Refugee, and Marginalized Sisters and Brothers” pilgrimage.
Implicit in the advertising is the political message: in the Trump era immigrants are suffering.
Maybe the good Catholics could help them privately and quietly with food and private loving care! (We assume that they have run out of poor and homeless Americans to care for in Lexington!)
Does it really help immigrants personally to showcase them, or is this all about the midterm elections?
Show solidarity with migrants, refugees at Saturday pilgrimage, service
This is a time of great and increasing uncertainty for immigrants living among us, whatever their citizenship or country of origin. In fact, it is an extremely difficult time for the marginalized and members of minorities living among us, whether they were born in this country or not.
While immigrants from some countries have been welcomed over the years, too often refugee and immigrants from other countries have faced indifference or hostility. This has happened while we have often relied on them to do difficulty and sometimes dangerous jobs for long hours and for very low wages. [How about if the good Catholics find them work other than in low wage meat and poultry plants!—ed]
Recent changes in immigration and enforcement policies have left many of these people with very little sense of security or, sometimes, hope. Those of us in more fortunate circumstances must, in conscience, step up and offer them both expressions of solidarity and practical help. [How about some serious practical help without the showboating!—ed]
One important chance to express solidarity is the “Share the Journey with Migrant, Refugee, and Marginalized Sisters and Brothers” pilgrimage taking place Saturday, Oct. 20, starting at 10 a.m. at the Courthouse Plaza and ending at Historic St Paul Catholic Church, where there will be a brief service, beginning with song and dance by our Congolese sisters and brothers. [They love to bring out the refugees as props for their political message!—ed]
The intention of the event is “to promote a just and inclusive community, especially in this climate of enhanced danger for immigrants, refugees, and the marginalized. We stand together, walk together, and pray together as a public witness to the dignity of the human person and the obligation we have as companions on the journey to accompany one another and build the culture of encounter.” [They have that social justice lingo down pat, don’t they!—ed]
This event is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington with Lexington UNITED Interfaith Encounters, Catholic Charities, The Catholic Action Center and others.
What do the Kentucky refugee admission numbers look like?
When I wrote this post yesterday, I learned that Kentucky ranks #14 in the list of states with the most resettled refugees.
In fact, according to Wrapsnet, since October of 2008, Kentucky ‘welcomed’ 16,901 refugees!
Here is a list of the top twelve countries whose refugees, Catholics and other ‘religious’ resettlement agencies, have added to Kentucky’s diversity (mostly chosen by the UN).
See first Syrians arrive in KY in 2015 with the help of an Islamic charity. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/02/15/first-syrian-refugees-arriving-in-louisville-ky-helped-with-grant-from-islamic-charity/
Burma (3,964)
DR Congo (3,040)
Bhutan (2,592)
Iraq (2,435)
Somalia (2,171)
Cuba (827)
Syria (495)
Sudan (231)
Burundi (210)
Eritrea (127)
Afghanistan (120)
Pakistan (107)
Go herefor my Kentucky archives. Don’t miss the story about the Iraqi refugees arrested a few years ago in Bowling Green, now doing life in prison on terrorism charges.
Could the US Conference of Catholic Bishops be using federal funding for the settlement of sexual abuse cases?
It isn’t such a farfetched question. Remember in early 2010 we posted charges by a man closely connected to the Episcopal Church who alleged that it is the federal funding for refugee resettlement that is keeping that cash-strapped church afloat. See those posts here and here.
As I said at the time and still say today—there needs to be a regularannual financial audit (available to the public) of each of the nine major federal refugee contractors. Their hundreds of subcontractors should also be audited (financially!) on some regular schedule. They will tell you they are audited, but its largely a “programmatic” audit that looks at how well they are doing getting the refugees jobs or hooked up with social services.
And, here is a question that continues to perplex me especially at the Christmas season when groups like the ACLU come alive and demand that there be a separation of church and state, why are they silent on federal funding of the Catholic Church?
Here are some key points from Thomas Allen’s definitive poston funding for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled, Is The Refugee Racket Helping Pay For The Catholic Church’s Child Abuse Settlements?
~2011 revenue for Migration and Refugee Services, USCCB’s refugee contracting arm: $72.1 million.
~[I]n fact USCCB independently raises only about 2% (two percent) of its $72.1 million total revenues. The rest comes from contracts, grants and earnings from federal programs.
~“Affiliate funding” does not mean voluntary donations. This is not charity. The USCCB and its Catholic Charities affiliate assist refugees only when paid by the U.S. government.
~Even volunteer time and donated items given by local community members turns into money for USCCB. It imputes a dollar value to all volunteer activity and gives the bill to the feds under the misnamed Federal Matching Grant program.
On this last point, I gotta laugh. I knew a young man who volunteered at one of the major refugee contractors here in Maryland. He received no pay (as I said he volunteered) and used his own old car (got no repayment for mileage) to be the one-man “welcoming committee” to pick up newly arriving refugees at the airport. Often one will read about the lavish welcome refugees get upon landing in the US, not so in large numbers of cases. Little did this young man know that his hours and his mileage were being turned into the federal government for repayment to the contractor from the US taxpayer.
Oh, and one final outrage—word is that the US State Department pays for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Washington, DC office! And, they use your money to lobby for things like Obamacare and Amnesty for illegal aliens, here and here.
Don’t cry now for the Catholic Churches predicament with Obama. Apparently they haven’t learned the lesson well enough yet—when you take Caesar’s money, Caesar owns you!