Invasion of Europe news…..
Well, this is refreshing (sort of!). A Catholic leader is actually saying that his country cannot handle the massive number of mostly Muslim migrants entering it. (No, he didn’t use the ‘M’ word! He didn’t go that far!).
I’m wondering if the Pope is going to slap his wrist for this heresy!
From the Daily Caller:
A high-ranking Catholic official has called for a reduction in the number of refugees coming to Germany.
Cardinal Marx did recognize the growing problem for Germany and Europe here in September 2015, but didn’t sound as worried as he sounds now.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, cautioned Saturday that the country cannot “take in all the world’s needy.” Over one million refugees seeking asylum entered Germany in 2015 — the country currently struggles to manage the influx both logistically and politically.
“As a church we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees,” said Marx to Passauer Neue Presse. He noted that the response to the refugee issue should not be one only of “charity but also reason.”
Continue reading because I think you will see more about what is driving this remarkable statement. He warns against xenophobia and the rise of the right-wing. (Is that the real boogeyman for Father Marx?) More on the way!
There will be more coming to Europe (and Germany)! The Times of Israelis reporting that Turkey is about to admit tens of thousands of additional Syrians at its border with Syria. And, mark my words, Turkey will let them flow directly across the country and allow them to launch their boats to Europe as spring arrives. Turkey would like nothing better than to see a Muslim Europe!
See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and go here for much much more on dear old Deutschland.
Controversial Irish Bishop: bring in the Muslim refugees. See 2012 pedophilia controversy in this article.
Invasion of Europe news….
Update July 7: Ireland now says it might admit 600 Mediterranean illegal migrants, here.
Yesterday, we learned that Poland is hanging tough and not bending to EU and United Nations pressure to take in the mostly Muslim invaders coming across the Mediterranean from North Africa. But, it looks like Ireland is caving in…
From the Independent:
The Catholic Church has called on the Government to “open our doors” to more migrants from the Mediterranean.
The comments from Bishop John Kirby come as Defence Minister Simon Coveney said that other EU countries should take responsibility for their fair share of the response to the refugee crisis.
Mr Coveney’s said that Ireland will consider accepting the settlement of more than the 300 refugees already agreed if formally requested to do so by the EU.
He will travel to Malta on Monday to discuss the refugee crisis with officials in Valletta before meeting the 69-strong crew of the Naval Service vessel, LÉ Eithne, which has saved 3,000 refugees off the north African coast since May.
As Canadian readers know, your government recently came under fire by the UN and the elements of the worldwide ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ for saying Canada would prioritize Syrian resettlement by selecting Christians and other persecuted minorities as a first priority.
Consumed by political correctness?
The “furious” Martin Mark, Executive Director of the Archdiocese of Toronto would never ask the Canadian government to protect Christians first! Photo:
In all the years we have followed the refugee program in the US, we have never seen any of the so-called ‘religious’ charities which are also resettlement contractors*** ever say they were concerned first for the Christians of the Middle East.
Now comes a very definitive statement by the Executive Director of the Archdiocese of Toronto confirming that the Roman Catholic Church indeed does not place Christians first in their concerns. They call it refugee “discrimination!”
Religion should never be used to prioritize Syrian refugees for resettlement, said Catholic agencies amid reports that the Canadian government intends to give preferential treatment to religious minorities.
The CBC and Post Media both reported that the government intends to accept into Canada only Syrian refugees who face religious persecution.
Quoting sources inside a United Nations High Commission for Refugees pledging conference in Geneva, the media outlets claimed Canada clashed with the UNHCR over the government’s intended policy.
Neither the Canadian churches that privately sponsor refugees nor Syrian Christians themselves have asked the government to give special treatment to religious minorities.
In question period Dec. 12, Costas Menegakis, parliamentary secretary to Immigration Minister Chris Alexander, refused to say if the government intended to limit the resettlement program based on religion.
“We will prioritize persecuted ethnic and religious minorities, those at demonstrated risk, and we will make no apologies for that,” said Menegakis.
Speaking to The Catholic Register from a massive refugee camp in Jordan, the executive director of the Archdiocese of Toronto’s Office for Refugees said he would never ask the government to restrict refugee sponsorship to Christians or other religious minorities.[The UN camp from which Mark speaks is almost exclusively housing Sunni Muslims. Why isn’t he in Turkey talking to the Christians?—ed]
“It would be a big mistake to say we have to check the religion on the refugee. No. We have to check the reason why somebody has become a refugee,” said Martin Mark.
Need, vulnerability and the immediate risk to individuals and families are the only proper criteria to determine which refugees should be resettled, said Father Nawras Sammour, Jesuit Refugee Service country director for Syria.
I’ll bet a buck that there are 10,000 (the number Canada now says it will take) very vulnerable Christians and other minorities in “immediate risk” they could readily take rather than the mostly Sunni Muslims which are housed in UN camps.
By the way, as we debate this Muslim vs. Christian resettlement issue, don’t lose sight of the fact that resettling any refugee is enormously expensive to the taxpayers of the receiving country and that there are many considerations, other than religion, that should limit the numbers to be taken anywhere in the first world.
I would like to know more about the refugee responsibility split in Canada where supposedly 60% of refugees are supported privately and 40% by the government. Of course in the US it is 100% government supported as the feds funnel taxpayer money through so-called ‘religious’ charities. If we in the US went back to complete private support of refugees entering the US we would learn very quickly who is, and who isn’t, interested in true Christian charity. You know that old maxim! Put your own personal money where your mouth is!
There is nothing that lights my fuse more than the wealthy Catholic Church virtually stealing money from struggling taxpayers so that they can play humanitarian big shots! The USCCB (below) migration program is 98% funded by the US taxpayer.
Reader Caroline sent us this detailed update on the latest from “welcoming” Syracuse written by Jenna Bowen at American Thinker.
We first told you about how a beautiful Catholic Church is being converted to a mosque as the Muslim refugee population there continues to grow, here.
This is going to happen to your “welcoming” city too as the Muslim population increases through immigration—it is inexorable demographic change!
Dr. Yusuf Soule in front of the new mosque.
Since my original article discussing how an abandoned Catholic church was being converted to a mosque in Syracuse, NY, that city has embraced the Mosque of Jesus, Son of Mary with open arms. In April, a local publication, the Syracuse New Times, published an interview with Dr. Yusuf Soule, the executive director of the Northside Learning Center, who bought the church and rented it to a still unidentified group of Muslims. In no news report has the group who transformed the church into a mosque been identified as anything other than a “new Islamic society.”
Read through the update and then at the end see that the Mayor is now asking Obama to send the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ (the Catholic church calls refugees!) to “welcoming” Syracuse.
Fourteen years after the attack on the synagogue, Temple Beth El is closed, the Mosque of Jesus, Son of Mary has replaced Holy Trinity Church on the city’s North side, and everyone is stumped why there is an alarming increase in violence on Syracuse’s Northside; an area overloaded with Dr. Yusuf Soule’s “refugees.”
In fact, the city is in such good shape that Syracuse’s mayor, Stephanie Miner, is telling President Obama to send illegal immigrants from the border up to her city. “The entire Syracuse community wants to help,” she wrote him. Indeed, they probably couldn’t find a more appropriate environment to relocate to.
Related: Reader Cathy sent us a good article from late July also at American Thinker entitled “They’re not refugees.” It makes me very happy to see that the whole refugee program is being scrutinized by other media outlets as a result of the effort to label the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ as refugees. But, is it too late?
For additional reading, I see we have a bunch of posts on crimes and other problems with refugees and immigrants in Syracuse going back several years, click here.
Readers should know that the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (like its partners in Tennessee (Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition) and Massachusetts (Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition)), is just basically a hard Left open borders community organizing group which has the word “refugee” in its title to give it cover for agitating on all sorts of Leftist goals.
The YMCA at Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign is paying a hefty price for refusing to cut ties with a group that publicly supports gay marriage.
The Catholic Church gave the YMCA an ultimatum: stop working with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, or lose your $60,000 grant.
The YMCA’s director told WICD-15 that while they take no position on gay marriage, it is important for them to not allow anyone to influence who they work with.
The University Y board met several weeks ago and voted to remain in the coalition.
The University YMCA sponsors programs, organizations and organizations of all kinds. The Y’s director says their partnership with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights allows them to help “hundreds in the community each year.”
The University YMCA plans to launch a campaign to raise money to continue its work with the local immigrant community, according to the News-Gazette. The University Y has received money for immigration work from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development since 2010.
The initial grant was about $4,000 but increased this year to about $60,000. But the Church sent the Y a notice in September: in order to receive the funding, the University Y’s executive director, Mike Doyle, would have to testify that the organization was not involved with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.