…..as more citizens are waking up to Leftwing community organizing tactics!
The Winona Daily Newspublished a story last evening that is mostly meant to show that opposition to Welcoming Americais coming froma bunch of nativist naysayers, but for me it shows how grassroots activists (paid by no one!) have been successful in educating small communities across the upper Midwest about the goals of the Soros-spawned Welcoming America community organizers.
I first heard of Welcoming Americain 2013 when they were a featured presenter at a meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania put on by the Obama Office of Refugee Resettlement. The ORR had contracted them to beat back “pockets of resistance” to refugee resettlement.
You should take a moment to read that post.
It is a good thing I quoted the Soros connection directly from Welcoming America’swebsite at the time because that page is mysteriously absent from their site now!
For the really ambitious among you, please see my entire archive on Welcoming Americaand its founder David Lubell. They are your classic, hard Left community organizers promoting diversity is beautiful for your towns (more Democrat voters and more cheap labor!).
But, it is more than that…..
We have told you about ‘Welcoming America’ previously. We first heard about them in June 2013 when we attended a meeting the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement was hosting in Lancaster, PA. It is where we first heard about refugee “seedlings” planted in communities and where we learned that some of us asking questions about the program and how much it costs were referred to as “pockets of resistance.” Welcoming America is the ‘brainchild’ of David Lubell. https://www.welcomingamerica.org/content/david-lubell-0
See that early warning post here.
‘Welcoming America’ got its start with Soros money. Propaganda is their specialty!
Now we see that ‘Welcoming America’ and other groups are bringing a delegation of German officials here to learn how great everything is in cities overloaded with refugees and how well the refugees are “integrating” (they never use the word assimilate).
From Digital Journalwe learn that the delegation will go to Washington, DC (only a tiny number of refugees are ever placed in DC!), then on to Detroit, Nashville, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles.
If you are a community leader in one of those cities and are concerned about the refugee overload in your cities, try to figure out some way to get the attention of the German officials because you can bet that ‘Welcoming America’ is going to give them nothing but a glowing report on how well refugees ‘integrate’ and how everything is peace and love! Here is the story:
Apr. 14, 2017 / PRZen / WASHINGTON — Twenty-five German integration professionals and public officials will travel to the United States, from April 30 to May 9, to learn firsthand how American cities approach community integration and resettlement as part of the Welcoming Communities Transatlantic Exchange (WCTE).
German citizens will be told that everything is just wonderful with refugees in America! What is wrong with you people!
The WCTE, which is now in its second year in 2017, is a professional exchange program for integration practitioners and leaders from the United States and Germany who work to integrate refugees and immigrants into their local communities. It annually brings together over 40 individuals from nine communities to expand their networks and share best practices and innovative approaches to integration initiatives at the local level.
This upcoming 10-day visit will provide individuals representing the German communities of Düsseldorf, Freiburg, Kreis Düren, Leipzig, and Münster with a wide-ranging look into how American cities welcome and integrate newcomers into their communitiesthrough a series of site visits and meetings with local governments, refugee resettlement agencies, interfaith groups, local schools and employers, among others.
The program kicks off in Washington, D.C. where the delegation will take part in meetings designed to provide a national perspective on issues of refugee resettlement and U.S. immigration policy. The group will then travel in three cohorts to Detroit, Nashville, and Salt Lake City before convening together in Los Angeles. In each city, the German delegates will have opportunities to meet with their U.S. counterparts and learn about the many different local approaches American communities apply to address the challenge of sustainably integrating newcomers.
You can bet that your citizens’ group that is questioning the cost and issues of security and cultural disruption will not be included in the show and tell sessions! More here. Click here for our complete ‘Welcoming America’ archive. Someone should do more extensive writing on this bunch and what they do.
And, if you are new to the issue, we have a huge archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’where you can find out what a disaster for Europe that Germany has created with its open-door policy toward migrants.
The first full-sized book critical of the US Refugee Admissions Program is out. I have it and I’m reading it and you should too! Help make this book a bestseller! At Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Invasion-Conquest-Immigration-Resettlement/dp/1944229582/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1484651272&sr=8-1&keywords=Hohmann+Stealth+Invasion
Here World Net Daily gives you some of the major points in a story entitled:
America’s 2nd colonization: This time by Islamists
As Barack Obama’s administration nears its end, the outgoing president is frantically admitting as many ‘refugees” as possible, with the overwhelming majority from Muslim countries such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.
Some might even say America is being “colonized.”
“That term applies to what’s happening to us,” said Leo Hohmann, author of the explosive book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement.” The veteran investigative reporter says the left is quite open about how it seeks to demographically deconstruct the United States, one city at a time.
Refugees are being planted in more than 300 cities and towns, often secretly, he said, with elected officials learning about the details of the refugee placements only after the fact.
“The term preferred by the left is ‘seeding’ communities with diversity,” said Hohmann. “Basically, they are talking about creating a nation within a nation, a parallel society, that will be nurtured and taken care of until it matures and is able to overtake the host community. This sounds seditious, but we have it straight from their own mouths from people on the left such as David Lubell of the organization Welcoming America, as I exhaustively documented in ‘Stealth Invasion.’ Their idea is to change America by changing its people.”
The mention of Lubell reminded me to see if he went to Davos to hobnob with the world’s leading globalists again this year. I don’t see anything about it yet, but had to laugh when I see my story of last year here on Lubell’s special Davos award ((Davos darling (dupe for big banks and big business)) is near the top on search engines.
I first heard about Lubell and Welcoming America, here in 2013. I did a little research and found that WA was started with Soros money, but that information was ultimately removed from their website.
Rupert Murdoch calls the shots at Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. BFF David Lubell of Welcoming America.
We learned that Rupert Murdoch’s Partnership for a New American Economy is working in collaboration with Welcoming America (Obama’s pals) at that Open Borders Leftwing community organizing group we have been writing about ever since 2013 when we first heard about them in Lancaster, PA, here. It is really quite stunning to me to learn that the Open Borders activists (LOL! the “humanitarians”) are working in concert with Chambers of Commerce and large global corporations to assure that the business community has a ready supply of cheap (slave!) labor!
No wonder they hate Donald Trump so much.
Both yesterday and this morning, I’ve been focusing attention on my other blog. Here are some posts there that relate directly to Refugee Resettlement:
You must pay attention to David Lubell! Learn more about him here.
One of my greatest frustrations over the years has been the silence by the media of the immigration status of obvious immigrant criminals, see here.
Then there are two posts on Donald Trump. In the first one we learn more about why Fox News leans toward the open borders/amnesty agenda, here.
And, don’t miss the newsthat Trump has hired a key aide to Senator Jeff Sessions.