Everyday I start my day at around 5 a.m. with CNN. I recommend that you all consider doing that (not necessarily at that hour!) because it is so informative to see how they spin the news each and every day. Kind of fires me up to get to work!
This morning CNN showed a clip of the International Rescue Committee‘s CEO David Miliband whining (in his snooty British accent!) about Trump’s EO on refugees. I tried to find the clip just now, but couldn’t. But it doesn’t matter. This is what you need to know (especially you lazy reporters who never mention that the refugee contractors, including the IRC, are largely taxpayer funded while you pretend their intentions are pure as the driven snow!).
The IRC is one of the ninemajor federally funded refugee contractors. David Miliband is a British national who came over from the UK a few years back to run the International Rescue Committee which places refugees in a couple dozen US cities. He was a former Foreign Secretary and is the brother of ‘Red’ Ed.
The International Rescue Committee had an annual income stream of $688,920,920 for the year ending September 2015 according to ‘Charity Navigator.’
66.5% of that income came from you—the US taxpayer!
Miliband is paid annual compensation of $591,846! What the h*** does he do for that kind of money? Doing well by doing good, is he?
And, here is where the IRC is placing refugees in America (screenshot from their website):
So my suggestion to the President is to begin balancing the US budget by cutting off the supposed humanitarians, especially the foreign ones being paid handsome salaries out of the US Treasury! Let them raise PRIVATE money from those who want refugees seeded throughout America. Heck, the US taxpayer could save almost a half a billion bucks annually by pulling them off the federal teat!
We have a lot more on Miliband (Hillary had a crush on him, he likes her smile), click here for more.
For everyone getting excited about governors withdrawing from the Refugee Admissions Program, please take a breath.
The feds will simply pick a non-profit refugee contractor to run the program unless the governor takes the second step and that is, after being declared a Wilson-Fish state, he or she joins the Tennessee Tenth Amendment caseprepared by the Thomas More Law Center.
Not too long about Kansas and New Jersey withdrew, but I haven’t heard a peep out of Governors Brownback (KS) or Christie (NJ) that they would now seek to defend their state’s rights.
Here is a portion of the story about Texas from Vicemagazine (emphasis is mine):
…Texas has resorted to withdrawal from the federal resettlement program—but the same number of refugees will continue to be resettled in Texas, according to Victoria Palmer, public affairs specialist for the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families. The difference is in the distribution of funds and services for those individuals and families. Currently, the State of Texas receives the funds to distribute to nonprofits, which distribute money to the refugees and offer support services. Now, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) will instead choose one or a few nonprofits to receive and distribute those funds.
“While we of course regret Texas’s decision, ORR is working to appoint designees to administer services to refugees in Texas,” Palmer told me. “ORR is working to prevent a disruption in the delivery of services and benefits to refugees and entrants in Texas.”
And the US Department of State, which screens refugees and works with ORR to distribute them, said Texas would continue to receive all groups of refugees, including Syrians.
“Applicants to the US Refugee Admissions Program are currently subject to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States,” a State Department official told me in an emailed statement. “Syrian refugees are screened to an even higher level.”
Since Texas’s withdrawal can’t block resettlement, immigration experts told me the move was purely for show.
Lin and Palmer both told me that Texas would eventually operate resettlement through a model that 12 states already use, called the Wilson-Fish Program. Under that program, the federal government picks one or a few organizations to serve as long-term partners, distributing funds and services to nonprofits and to refugees throughout the state.
Palmer said ORR would soon make a request for “competitive bids” to serve as the distributors.
“The organizations chosen to be the main agency for the state will be more burdened, but these agencies have been doing this for a very long time,” Lin said.
Texas will be the largest state to use the alternative program—which Aaron Rippenkroeger, the CEO and president of Refugee Services Texas, said was cause for concern.
But Rubin of the IRC assured me that Texas’s withdrawal may even open the door to a better resettlement process.
More here.
Texas grassroots citizens concerned about refugee resettlement in the state must pressure the governor to take step #2 and sue! But, if you do this, you MUST make sure your Washington reps know what you are doing and how you feel—see calling on Texas (your members of Congress are in key positions to do something!). As I said yesterday, I think you would be stunned to find out how isolated your Washington reps are in their little Capitol Hill bubble. Click here to learn more about Wilson-Fish states.
The Leftist Open Borders activists and the Refugee Resettlement contractors continue to promote the naive concept that all immigrants they shove together in neighborhoods throughout American towns and cities love each other and are eager for the mixing of cultures they are told happens in the mythical American melting pot.
It is a big lie that immigrants living next door to each other (and next door to African-Americans) are all living in harmony. It is a lie we have reported on many times over the years as the mainstream media usually hides the friction from the general public. But, I guess in the case of Elizabeth, NJ, hometown of one of the recent Islamic terrorists who came out of the closet, even the Los Angeles Times is reporting on the growing fear of Muslims by the earlier Hispanic immigrant waves.
By the way, I’ve even heard that in some big food processing/manufacturing plants the Muslim workers and Hispanic workers are assigned to different shifts so as not to create more tension in the workplace. Breitbart tells us all about how the fissures are showing in Elizabeth, NJ as reported by the LA Times (because let’s face it, how many of you are still reading the LA Times!):
“I used to think we were all immigrants, all the same people who came here for a better life. Now I’m not so sure,” a Colombian-American neighbor of First American Fried Chicken, the business linked to Afghan-American suspected terrorist Ahmad Khan Rahami, told the Los Angeles Times.
Gus Serrano, who lives in the Rahami family’s community in Elizabeth, New Jersey, was one of many who expressed reservation with the newest arrivals to the working-class, largely immigrant and refugee-populated city. Rahami was arrested last week after allegedly planting a series of bombs throughout the region – first in the sleepy shore town of Seaside Park, New Jersey, then in two locations in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, and, finally, at the Elizabeth, New Jersey, Transit train station.
In a notebook found on his person after a shootout with police, Rahami made mention of al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki and Islamic State chief propagandist Abu Mohammad al-Adnani. “Kill the kuffar in their backyard,” he wrote.
Hispanic immigrants are kuffars just like you and me!
Here is another quote from a woman who is reevaluating her thinking:
One woman told the Los Angeles Times that she used to chide a friend who would warn about Muslim immigrants. “I would tell my friend, ‘How can you say Muslims are terrorists?’” She says she is reconsidering her friend’s stance: “But now — oh my God — look what happened in our neighborhood. How can we know who to trust?”
Elizabeth, NJ is being diversified by federal contractor the International Rescue Committee, see here.
I just checked the Refugee Processing Center to see just how much diversity the IRC had dropped in Elizabeth over the last ten years (number of refugees in parenthesis):
Afghanistan (19)
Bhutan (15)
Burma (44)
Colombia (12)
Cuba (602)
DR Congo (75)
El Salvador (2)
Eritrea (15)
Ethiopia (8)
Iran (4)
Iraq (206)
Ivory Coast (4)
Latvia (1)
Moldova (8)
Pakistan (2)
Somalia (9)
Sri Lanka (5)
Sudan (41)
Syria (221)
Ukraine (4)
But not to worry, they are going to melt into multicultural bliss and live happily ever after.
They aren’t on the street, but live in temporary housing (what! some motel?).
I can’t believe this! After all the hoopla and excitement about shoving refugees down the throats of Montanans who don’t want the poverty and cultural disruption third worlders bring to communities, the mightyInternational Rescue Committee (IRC) headquartered in New York City doesn’t have homes and apartments lined up for the former camp-dwelling Congolese whose arrival has been predicted for months!
Where is Missoula’s R & P Abstract, did the IRC lie to the US State Department about the availability of reasonably priced housing for large families?
Didn’t the IRC sign a contract with the US State Department that said the refugees must have a home (with a requirement for a certain number of bedrooms for family members) to go to from the airport with the refrigerator stocked with culturally appropriate food?
When do-gooders don’t do good!
I’m going to rage a bit before I give you some snips from The Missoulian(Missoula Refugees face housing issues).
The International Rescue Committee is a behemoth in the Refugee Industry. It is the richest of the nine federal contractors with an annual income in 2014 of $688,920,920 and $454 million of that comes from YOU, the taxpayer. Its CEO, Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband*** is making $591,846 annually and probably lives in some swanky digs in Manhattan! (See recent Form 990 here) But, the IRC refuses to co-sign the housing rental agreements with the refugees they are dropping off in Missoula!
It is an outrage! They expect local landlords to waive their rules for the refugeesthat obviously have no credit and no background checks and no job prospects and take a gamble on them that they can pay the rent for months and years to come! Not to mention the fact that over the last nine years I’ve heard many stories, especially about refugees who have lived in camps, that they do not know how to use modern appliances and often trash them in the process of learning how to operate dish washers, stoves, etc. Here is the storythat got my blood boiling this morning!
Congolese refugees and the people trying to help them get settled in Missoula are facing a housing crisis.
Five families from refugee camps in East Africa will be in town by the end of September, none of them with a source of steady income or credit history.
It’s the job of the local resettlement agency, the International Rescue Committee, to help them secure both as quickly as possible, said IRC director Molly Short Carr.
But record home sales prices in Missoula have placed rentals at a premium. And in a town that swells this time of year with university students – many with no credit ratings themselves – property managers and landlords can afford to be picky about who they rent to.
“We’re kind of hitting a bit of a brick wall,” Carr admitted.
Missoula has been approved [Why were they approved by the Dept. of State if housing was not available?—ed] as the destination for families of five, four and three people – 25 refugees in all – in the next few weeks, so the hunt for housing is becoming critical.
What a bunch of B.S. this is! We are expected to believe that local landlords should carry the burden of helping teach refugees how to be self-sufficient! Continue reading:
The IRC doesn’t allow its offices to co-sign for refugees.
“Our focus is really on getting them self-sufficient,” said Carr. “Co-signing is kind of a contradiction to self-sufficiency and being able to guide their own lives.”
Hey, here is an idea! maybe Mary Poole and other members of her group could take on the responsibility of co-signing rental agreements with landlords for the families they have ‘welcomed’ to Montana! Maybe put a little of their own skin in the game!
If your town is contemplating ‘welcoming’ refugees, please pay attention. The uber-wealthy resettlement contractor will be out of the refugees’ lives in only a few months and the burden of these third world families will be on you—the taxpayers, the landlords, the social services, the school system and the health services of your town!
***David Miliband is a pal of the Clintons,click here for many posts we have written about him in recent years. BTW, Miliband was the first of the resettlement contractors to call for 65,000 Syrians for America before Obama leaves office and he subsequently joined the chorus for an even larger number. Addendum: After I posted this I thought you might be interested to know that Anne Richard (Asst. Secretary of State for PRM) and Robert Carey (Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement) were both former Vice Presidents at the IRC pulling down 6-figure salaries and are now the two top officials responsible for the entire US Refugee Admissions Program (the revolving door between government and contractor on full display). Update:Soros spent $600,000 on a pro-refugee PR campaign in Europe (see here). How many refugees might he have helped personally with that kind of money? Or maybe Miliband would forego that huge salary and help needy refugees with it! Nah, he needs it to maintain the jet-setting lifestyle!
That is the estimate the highly respected Heritage Foundation expert on welfare, Robert Rector, has estimated.
The Daily Caller has the story, here.
Hillary Clinton’s proposal to accept an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees annually could potentially cost $403 billion in lifetime costs if implemented all four years in a hypothetical first term.
That’s according to a new analysis released Monday by the Senate subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.
Currently, the Obama administration is planning to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal year 2016, which ends September 30.
In total, the Obama administration is planning to take in 85,000 refugees, while the original plan was to take in 100,000 refugees. Clinton’s proposal would potentially increase that number to 155,000 refugees entering the United States annually.
Robert Rector, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation, estimated the costs of local, state, and federal benefits for refugees and found that the lifetime cost of admitting 10,000 refugees is $6.5 billion.
It is extremely hard to estimate the cost of the massive welfare that refugees receive so we have never even tried here at RRW, but Rector has put pencil to paper to do the calculations.Continue reading here for more.
Where does this 65,000 number come from? Well initially it came from David Miliband, Hillary’s pal who runs the International Rescue Committee. The other nine federal contractors followed suit and then the Senate Jihad Caucus(our name!) sent a letter to Obama telling him that they want 65,000 Syrians ASAP. We addressed the demand here in a youtube videolast year.
The resettlement contractors subsequently upped their demand to 100,000 Syrians.
Galling isn’t it to think that you pay for the resettlement of third worlders who will ultimately out-populate you and your posterity.